Blog for Nameless-Value

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Consciousness at Noticing Time Nature Part1

Spatially we could have locomotion, necessarily, further confirmable one building or any kind of facility and site could be gradually closer confirmable in walking and car driving.

That daily experience makes us know that time's order's transition makes us closer one scope landscape's one part is exectly approaching to us, at really present term, that means in time transition, at very small case, time system's future is coming up to closer to us.
And this situation and our consciousness as notice toward time itself must mean that closer approaching to us of further object which could be gotten nearer, and according to that increasing degree, on the contray, more and more, just now passing landscape's phyissical point could be gradually gotten further, that means, ecventually something comes approaching to us is equal to what that approaching objects could make us swtiching at any already our confirmable any passing thing could get to be further, and that simultaneously means those are made past from at the first time future's thing and it made to present and afterward, everything could be gotten further spatially and relevance of reratively interpreted meaning that point and now our positioned location as anytime present make past, consequently, either at spatially confirmable inspection, we'd understand that future's coming to us in gradualy transition of dating, and time cutting, these totalized phenomenal things could make on the contrary past according to further future's coming and upcoming transitive change, past quantity interpreted and awoken in our mind must increase.

Thus with those process in our awareness, future makes past, that thing could be convincing truth, we'd regard so.

Time system's analysis had been done by many philosophers with Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl, John McTaggart, Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell, and Martin Heideggar,Jacques Derrida or so.

My considerable theory means that our conscious awareness must make us that future's upcoming knowing and that transitive awareness to us makes us understand any ever future thing and any now noticeable present thing could go back to past, that going back's notice for us is closer to evacuation to background, and necessarily that background means memory's capacity's increase.

Really aging for any human means increasing capacity of past memory which could be equal to decreasing coming future's capacity.

In other words, to our noticeable consciousness, time by itelf is signified at and means that future in wating and that capacity must get replaced condition that already coming future and every now as present retreating from realized moment to nothing.

Time must signified any present time point's transition which either must mean making replacement of future to present and consequently past, that unversal order's iteration.




Ultimately, upper transitive reality's everlasting(at least so our sensed nature) iteration or everlasting duration means time.

After all, as we have anytime upcoming future’s reality, through that plainly inevitably undiniable fact, we can have past's capacity's increseing in our own life and that retrieval means future's coming making replacement to present, and necessarily all that must replace itself with past.
That intration means our known time, that consciousness we certainly attend anytime in our own life.

(to be continued)

Oct. 17th.    2021