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Quickly Switched Puppets Part2

This world's true manager or conqueror is seemed speed, highly equippted mechanism, otherwise, plainly schemed convenience, and only the conveninece could instigate all human to sustain itself awakening us all regarded all so correct, only for sustaining it completely almost ones in world are just mobilized, despite of each stance, life spending level's difference could be even so meaningless.

Upper all truths are essentially really dominant to anyone who lives in these days' age's life.

To some degree extent, anybody is obliged otherwise enjoyable at being moblized only for establishing the social aim and object and anybody heads for that accomplishing.

And consequently, the mechanically mobilized all these powers are never denial to anybody substantially at these days' realities to us.

Convenience's own autonomously promoting forcible dominance at executing any affirmation to each technically skillful and smart strategy are usually in no censorship affirmed so strictly.

Not to be related we like or not it, anybody could never surpass these superb powerfully schemed contemporary society's ideology is flawlessly matchlessly invincible.

Nobody coiuld perfectly go against these contemprary social premise and realities.

Though, if we apply so micro levelled depiction, contemporary society's true God is shredding, cutting and executing offcial expedinency and these things' attending extremely rationalized convenience, and for protecting so safely, any surveillance devise must be made and equipped at any hidden space by authority.

These prepared presence must be too merciless to protest nor criticize, and only no resistance could be allowed to us, you know!

Frankly speaking, these things must overpower our intelligence, intellectuality and even our own precious idea. In other words, that overwhelmingly cold-blooded powerfulness must be contemoporary social nature and its accompanying super-convenience.

Necessarily, these things' mother's system and convenience include either any kind of law.

Legal system must go along with these undiniable super-convenience, and rather these combinations must manage our own spirit and freedom at making and creating new idea.

Just with these factual truths and reasons, we are prone not to even give a tiny insertion of any tiny chance to be set any resting time and essentially necessary deep sleeping or easeness at a day. That could be a little bit extremely over-expression, but it must never be a lie, we could regard our reality entirely.

Exactly we all have extreme lack of having only meditatively thinking and piicturing time in a day!
Consequently, only ineffectiveness to all our abandonment and our mobilizing motivation to these our mind own ambition could eventually be at deep sleeping, that aspect is the most realistic our life mode's definition, isn't it?

Therefore, if we express our social reality's modus pones with so simple words, EASY SWITCH, PLAIN CUTTING, NON STOPPING CENSORSHIP, and nobody could essentially go against them.

In other words, to our realities' aspect or really embodied appearance, we could take some another definition done to us, SOCIAL PROCEDURE MEANS EXCUTOR or JUDGE to OUR SPIRIT!

Really, we at no noticed domain at our mind, have unconsciously spontenous self suppressing, self controlling regulation in censorship so instinctively and necessarily.
Thus, really, that our inherently given nature could have created all those systematized horrible mechanical gigantic assets, we could say so either.

Probably, that kind of serially necessary message could catch Mis. Greta Thurnburg's environmental action's pillar ideas and her claiming ideology.
In other words, our very nonchalant unconscious obedience to all these no deeply considrable convenience's advancement in tacit consensus, and that tiny consciousness's inertia could be gathered and as sum-total, that horribly no introspective reality must output nature environment and resource demolishing and consequnetly that sum-total phenomena must intrigue COVID and its repititious evolution to each the most appropriate mutation to insert our civilization for corona virus.

(to be continued)

Oct. 17., 18th.     2021

環境活動家グレタ・トゥーンベリ、たったひとりのストライキが世界へ/映画『グレタ ひとりぼっちの挑戦』予告編