Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Surviving Life Part1

At this blog, I mainly continued to write poetries inserting occasionally novels, however, these almost general tendency of description was a little abstract and the inclined contents.

Though, occasionally, more frank and daily my personal thing could be given at writing on my lfe from this time on.

To be frank, my age is never so younger, and life left time-span won't be so long at least relatively to my all span at survival in my life untill now. Though, some recollection could emerge in mind, so naturally, and all things could never so painful, and necessarily some not enjoyably and what could be regarded as I don't want to remeber, the kind of past things could not be so few, nevertheless, I'd never be able to say that any of them is not so too painful to rememer so easily.

Formal marriage was never done even once in my life, but loving emotion and lovabler ones as different sex persons could not be so few, and the thing was not so worse in my life, if I have some recollection.

Originally and resonably, happiness as our generally used concept is actually so abstract that we couldn't sse that usage so correctly appropriate, additionally, from the beginning, concept as "being happy" cold never be compared to any other one's idea around it. Though that analysis could be seen so empty, nevertheless, what makes us have that rating, assessing mind for instance roward "being happy or not " is not so useless at thinking so deeply.

That usage could have been to us, some expedient easiness getting reasonable idea.
Thus, that fact on the contrary proves that we all are never anytime so easy time, never yet rather so only annoyably anxious and horrifically only tremor managing situation, that so negative judgement could easily be outputted at this regard.

So stark, how can we understand and truly should we need absolutely positively regarded "happiness" and "wonderful life". Necessarily almost hiatorical philosophers could never have had that conclusion when they addressed to that questioning.

From the beginning, probalby "happiness" as concept coulld not have obviously comprehensive consensus at any this term users in this human world. Nevertheless, probably at modernized eras, gradually life spending level and quority's asccending could promote all of our ancestors have the kind of idea, and probably, for instance, at the era of Aristotel, they had more abstractively signified propositional idea around that concept, and through many mutually differentiated eras, many philosophers could have supposed many hypothesises at any inspecting and reserching regard with "happiness" or so.

Specifically, for Nietzsche, that plainly believable "Happiness" as concept could have hade been so dubious, nevertheless, when at least I read his text, I don't feel infinitely so ultimate nihlism, but that cause to me could be dependent on these days' very specfically tough contemporary society's circumstance and situation any individual citizen must share together.

And if I try to conclude for the present, at this "happiness", I could say that exactly we have credible mind around judging us which we are happy or not, but that decision either could be switchable according to our standing each situation and personal circumstance.
Meanwhile, atour own holding kind of credo, what is, should be, must be own happiness as the question to us, otherwise the concept or significant meaning, certainly we make sure have own standard, of course, even it'd be arbitrarily switchable, replaceable, but eventually we have very situationally replaceable relative regard around happiness, and not so dependable toward situation orn each circumstance, to both things at each view, we'd obviously discriminate andb distingish so simply and necessarily.

Though, deductively, we could have some one sure conclusion. That is what we all probably anytime unconsciously look for true meaning, signified identity around feeling at being happy, or being happy at feeling something, and anytime truly we have unsolved question and we anytime have only inconckusive idea around it, and that thing itself could not be assessed happy or unhappy, nevertheless, if we can think and contemplate these uestinable items, that thing could not be so unhappy, only that thing could be for the present so happy, at least not so unhappy, these conclusive mentionings could be possible, we could say.
(to be continued)

Oct.  18th.      2021