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Surviving Life Part2 Not Obsessionally Forced nor Given it

It's quite hard to live, especially when you're older, but how many people are perfect for such a happy life that you want to be born again and again? Also, can a person who seems so unquestionably give understanding and affection to someone who is not?Such a question always comes to mind.that's what I mean when I get old.

That tweet, yesterday I upped at Twitter.
By the way, this tweet showing affectionate mind could be relevant with the degree to have understanding other one's own thing as nature, circumstance.

A conscept or a notion of ”Happiness” is not a-pri-ori prepared them for us, just only the word is previously known to anybody.
Though, essentially its signified our that word indicating thing is ultimately just what we create. Vlue intrinsically means so.

Nevertheless, in fact, our socially moralistic obession could make us vanity, then at this aspect, everything could be distorted.
Though, anybody can have some simple question in mind, to what we could be happy or not, only the asking is there put to us.
Being aware of other one's vanity reflects our mind a question our mind could not include any vanity to any other one in society, which we can conclude so or not.

Really we anytime can feel responsibility to make us happiness so ethically.
In other words, only happiness must satisfies us that we need to create it spontaneously and that's the responsiblity to be alive at one preson's presence as a human.

Consequently, happiness as our necessary definition must mean anytime attending any other one unless we are as Crusoe Robinson's obliged conditioned in an insolated island only alone, we must take into account of any other one but "myself" to us.

Though subject what happness means to us as a question how we can regard happiness personally and that asking could be relevant with other one's mnd and necessarily other one's happiness.
Actually happiness is very private and personally to own person, nevertheless, it must never neglect either any other one but us as our "myself" owned by us.
Consequnetly "each" means so independent, but that "each" means either very publicly acknowledged in a social unit.

Thus happiness as subject to us very ethically consderable proposition.

Nevertheless, if we personally could not find entirely regarded macro levelled view around happiness, just we might take each indipendent happiness's definition around e.g. at work for completing social duty, otherwise, at home for completing own family's happiness.

Eventually, each independent daily life's mode and realizable degree relatively compared with mindful wishing and totalized whole life aspect. In frank, our oen daily life's aspect really emobodied it is definitely ultimate to us, all questions must be outputted from the thing.
To each item, we must aim and scheme as much as possible making all efforts to get us happy.

And we consciously or unconsciously not regarded assess any our life aspect personally, around what we usually notice the outcome toward our previously settting summarized aim in
mind, and occasionally we find fruit in it, and another moment we get disillusion. Necessarily each assessment is not complete conclusion, our mind anytime is directed to future dimension and cocnsciousness including prediction and expectation.

And in real daily life, to us, happiness must be found at each tiny thing in short moments, so accidentally, and necessarily each moment ought to have or attend each conclusion and to each it, we'd have own judging and assessing.
Though, entirely regarded, totalized concept of "happiness" must mean or consists in our deepened mind's satisfaction in degree regard so personally, only it could be excluded from our own mind. Necessarily, if we cannot find own affection to our "myself", we could never have any affection to any other one.
Then, to what we've personally done to us, we'd have another mind and idea around running life to own future. There we can exactly find another aim, or suppositive ultimate course at each introspective moment for us.

Upper described and displayed in essay's context, these interpretation in our own mind could never given nor provided by any other power nor force from external dimension.
That must be our fundamental human right as a citizen(actually that rightn could be infringed at very many countries, to these fact, we can have some personal idea at each occasion).
Anyway, these questionable things not forced nor infringed by anyone and any power is so integrally fundamental and rudiment premise and the most important key to our life opening to the future.
Future is opened to anybody, and to it anyone must be indepdently freely thinking, imagining, and picturing in scheming and meditating, or so.

In conclusion, as summaryto upper all descriptions, I'll offer my essay tasty poetry, here.

                                       NOT OBSESSIVELY GIVEN HAPPINESS

Happiness is not previously dixed value. Nevertheless, socially forcible peer pressure must make us diminished degree of our own mind's ambition, so constantly.

If we could be essentially forced to be "happy", that must be what we should have skeptical quesionable mind to us, you know!

True happiness ought to be more simpler to us, really.
Because iif we can regard ourselves so personally as happy, it must include the occasion to us at feeling unhappy either.

If we are never allowed to feel any unhappiness, that must be true unhappiness, that forced happiness is fake value as compelled us being accompanied.
Because true happiness must be what we spontaneously can feel at each occasion, and can be aware at each moment so exactly.

Then, HAPPINESS is not usually versatilly regarded publicly convincing value. That must be more so privately gotten somewhat.

Publicly regarded genuinely happy life must adjoins vanity.
Because the ones who are regarded and envied as so happy, nevertheless just preted so, actually only they follow kind of many ones' adoration to them, that pretense must make them blind at watching all true aspects around them.

At each available happily sensing is not deniable object to us, with these logical streaming.
Though, rather we should be allowed to express any happily emotional mind so wwhimsically gettable somewhat, and that impulsively tangible thing should never be condemned so unnecessarily.

Happiness should be regarded even as more anarchy somewhat, you can share with!

In other words, being at the condition in which anytime arbitrarily anyone can claim being happy or unhappy, otherwise not so happy, or not so unhappy, that judging mind must be operated by some schemed political intention.

When the one is on some unexpressionably sensitive rejoice or glee, the one can express happiness, nevertheless, only that ascertained tangible happiness could not last so forever necessaarily. 
On the other hand, when the one is on tough period, the one can express unhappy emotion sadness, pain, and any felt hardship.

Admitting not everlasting rejoice's nature could convince us that true happiness is our stamina of mind which could be moblized reacting our own emotion and situation intriguing internally nurtured vigor, mentally vitalized cue.

The kind of so small implicatively actualized bit cue must be what we'd get assurance at keeping not perverted mind in healthy sustantion.

Consequently, true moment we can express us so happy personally means that our optional freedom which could be guaranteed once we'd kept that nature in mind.

Happiness could be habitually attentive mind's sustantion. Happiness must be created with our conscious training.

Eventually, we can feel that happiness with the condition like these in which we could not obsessively with the conditions regarded as given it, but rather only spontaneous attending to it in mind with attentive notice in daily sites could be seen true it, you know!

Yes, truly being durrounded by perfect happiness is impossible usually, and our mind which could be admittable to its truth could get some assurance that we are so far happy.

And even if it'd be possible, we'd never feel it so happy, and knowing that truth previously, that mind could be wisdom at dodging any unnecessary binding our mind to given notionally regarded happiness. Because usually when we are compelled with that offically definitive happiness, we could not be happy nor could not feel HAPPINESS so pleansed. Happiness is not given it as HAPPINESS.

Eventually, we'd get ascertained our consciousnessb that being alive surviving anythoing is just life thing, until we die, only attending both happy feeling, emotion and unhappy them either, not schemed at being alloted to us, just at each occasion, just we feel something so at each mind, only the thing could be our own life, you know.

We otherwise should take an attitude to life that our life is just prone to be evaluated at happiness's dimension, but it should be seen so skeptically in regarding dubious identity.
That kind of preoccupational premise should be taken so skeptic to some extent in our own mind, because the one who decides own running aspect is anytime only ourselves as own "myself", you know!

It makes sure that some ones who insist on only happiness as if given value by some absolutely credible authority or so, must be here, there and everywhere.
Nevertheless, that stance could be objected to doubt to us.

Because, surviving life means so subjectively regareded item to us basically, and it deserves to get that view and evaluation done by each "myself" so purely honestly, you either!

(to be continued)

Oct. 18th.  27th.      2021