Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Shroud to Unnecessary Shield Part1

Truly siginificant consciousness is not on the asking which is more signified to us, being heavy or light. At least to us, only being's so indefinitely just annoyable ambiguity.

However, that mind must be made by our hidden desire we by ourselves could not be so aware of usually, we all are killed in having stable spirit being busy at dealing with each momentary bug or provisional propositional default enchanting our secretly equipped curiosity to strange and kinky things.

Nevertheless, if we daringly have defiant denial to all these things, we'd never survive this programming langualge managing extraoridinarily second cut busyness and procedure's flood made reality, you know!

Anti-Roman otherwise any ennui expression's pretense has already been disclosed, thus that typed ambience could never be recreated to our reality, that was 50's literature dragging one trial at arbitrarily made movement, nevertheless, nostalgia to all these things could be regarded so generously at apllying any quatation to ever empirically our absorbed mode and way in reconfirmation and re-definition.

Arranging and rearranging all items and informative temptation must be the integral object to analyze our reality tantatively, all superficial provisional approach must be regarded as our systematized reality's proper adjustment, and coordination around tidying up all unnecessarily seen sensibility, updated data and just keeping all our age necessary antena in sensitive reaction and own mobilization to our body and spirit tidy in easy condition.

Boder between poetry and essay, or paper and essay, poetry and ctiricism, criticidm and essay os so are all just invalidate, just at each day and each moment we can arbitrarily react and intrigue any other item and any social presence!

Exactly any unnecessary shield should be gotten rid of our mind, and unconsciously made daily routine!
Neverthaless, distraction to all these things could never be denied so plainly, because in these very unidentigfied and ambiguously drifting things, our all ancestors could have addressed to opting or regenerating devise in effective usage.

Re-cycle to sensibility makes us another sensitivity in busy but at another dimension, so relaxed and only amenity pursuit, in otehrb words, fake and instantly made makeshift anything could get us fly around to very differentiated dimensional sensing discovery and encouter, you see! 

After our sensitivity personally anybody has are converted to another dimensional interpretation, we'd never return to ever held familiarity, almost absolutely, and if we'd do so easily, probably our made any civiization could never been established in front of us,you know!

In order to re-defining our necessary truth at each occasion, our brain and mind must be installed from our great ancestors' each own era.

Either ridiculously funny message's emptiness must be one of our surviving eras' creature, you feel!
Screwed-up our summarizing consciousness must guide us into unidentified inscrutability, otherwise, from the moment we'd get that thing so strictly, another adventure at keeping any upgraded sensitivity travel must keep going on for tempting us so personally sustainability in our reality, you agree!

Steam the engine of the mind as much as you can!
Anyway now what you can do is so far only it!

(to be continued)

Oct. 27th.       2021