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Identity What Demolishes Simplicity Part2 Expressible and Inexpressible

Ordinarily, simplicity meas two mutually very symmetrical interpretations.

That is, first, to us, generally, very tiny, small, short-lived, otherwise, at the matter of fact, the thing only need short moment or only minor degree needed thing could be easily expressed, both very physically expressed thing and very perspnal thing, thus in terms of adjctive, momentary, flashy, fragile, tiny, cheap, stingy, trivial, or so.

On the other hand, to us, generally, very gland scale demanded degree's expression is not so easily modified at one word, therefore, any that very simple degree could take us some annoyable mentality.
Very slowly changing thing necessarily could be inexpressive at one word, becatse long time necessary thing's own nature must surpass easily momentary phenomenal coming up things, thus, necessarily in that taking long span, infinitely many things could come up to anything, then necessarily, only things come up to us at short-lived time could be easiky expressed, and easily modified additionally only with summarized and simple concept we can show that appearance so easily at very shortly economized words' expression, and mentining

These upper described truth means that our usage around simple means both very minor scale degree and physical dimensioned degree relatively could easily expressed, towars it, just mentally complicate things with melancholic, lamentable, gloomy, depresse feeling could be expressed with very various expressible terms or words could be prepared for to us.
Meanwhile, very glangly joyfulness in accepting unexpected applaud or praiised situation, we could have only simple words could be necessary, and any more presice expression is rather unnecessary, and necessarily, the summit of the biggest glee, rejoice and rapture, and ecstasy are usually very short-livedly passing, rather to us extremely honorable joyfulness leaves us almost emptiness dragging similar emotion.

After all, simplicity has generally both minor short-lived phenomenal description, and major extent necessary description as mentioning necessity.
That means simplicity's describable degree must have both symmetrical ambivalence.

To us, simplicity must be to very many extents so unidentified concept and situation or condition, we could assess so.
Necessarily either noun has minor and major them are mutually very symmetrical pronunciation, e.g. tip, chip, kick, pit or so are all so not only physical size but also so easily momentarily confirmable very easily expressed some impression could be done to us, with gland, great, gigantic, giant, large, monstrous, and as noun cave, cove or so( to its assessing, only in-let is little bit different, but its word is more conceptual, thus exceptional )
In other words, the easier expression consists in generally so short-lived and small and tiny physical sized things.

Nevertheless, meanwhile again, very lazily lengthy so inbetween and halfway, neutral, and ambiguous situation, phenomenal things are more ambiguously expressed.
To be frank that expressing mode is differentiated from both tiny, minor extent and phenomenal things' modification and contrary more major extent and pheneomenal things' it neither.
In other words, to us very long distance, time necessary situation, condition, and totalized sizable expression has more simple but not momentarily expressed nuence is necessary, thus some kind of consistent inexpressible impression must be left at any case, meanwhile very larger extent attending halfway, neutrally opened sizable matter, and inbetween modus ponens could not be caught so simply nor at the good summarized expressive aspect.

Nevertheless, usually at our normally passed and spent our daily life, this neutral zone's situation, condition or so are unexprectedly much existing.
Because we have very exeptionally so momentary impressive things as several inccidentally experiencable things and totalized one day's aspect are both symmetrically simply divided at our mantality, on the other hand nether not so to former nor latter, so halfway, and indecisive and non-comittal phenomenal things and matters are to and fro, universally findable, indicatable, nevertheless, that extent's non-comittal state and aspect could not be easily expressed, because focusing consciousness could not be so easily fixed.

Consequnetly, to us, to any situation, condition, and state, ultimately we'd never be perfectly fair nor no-disciminatively contacting could be done for the present.
To us, both tiny small degree spatial and time, and glandly bigger degree, extent's spatial and time description could be easily modified, however at these degree's our mind(s mental aspect, we can easily express short momentary things but, at least within or less than one hundered years we can hardly survive our own life, thus very long period's totalized description is unexpectedly tough at realizing so appropriately because it's not always that anybody's lifespan could last so at long period.

Anyway, neutrally configulated zone's expressing and assessing at summarized words and expression is more difficult and not so easily expressible nor mentionable.

Nevertheless, for the present, now we can get some very important debatably signified elements. These are first, extraordinarily gland sized and spatial exprience could not be so easily expressed at only one phraze demanded simple expression could not be applicable nor suitably tangible at our mind.
Meantime, necessarily very shortly momentary happening and findable description are prepared at reserved diverse expressions, generally because that shortness must associate our human social aspect. Finally that minor sized materials, spatial phenomena, time's going could be relatively easily expressed and that typed our mind's reaction is the most familliar with our daily habitual normal days and our life.

On the other hand, not extremely very long nor never momentary, otherwise instantly, temporarily short-lived neutrally confirmable stats must have larger extent, then that aspect could not be expressed only with summarized words' expression and arrangement.

Nevertheless, the last very ambiguously indefinite exent and domain are so diverse and never tiny but niether also gland nor extremely sizable things and our daily experiencing and empirical daily inccidental things' quantity is the most, just because of these, we'd never easily express that condition and situation only at summarized words, intrepretation, and explanation.

And necessarily, infinitely inexpressible condtion and situation (the notion and concept must never fit nor must be inappropriate) and very short-lived and usually our sensable small extent and sizable things could be easily expressed and mantioned, nevertheless, never former noe latter so neutrally extent demanded things could not be readied for the most appropriate expression nor the fittest exprression.

Nevertheless, generally and actually very at many cases, to our own private and personal life, otherwise, economic activity levelled extent, and politically dimensional schemes' extent, that neutrally not so short-lived nor not so parmanent matters' share and quantity to our life span is the most.
Though, consequently, to us, that middle extent and very larger extent inbetween and halfway intepretation and positioning is anytime so integral to us as our own private and socially public life. That truth thing could be induced hereb so clearly.
(to be continued)

Oct. 29th.     2021

Memorandum; Next occasion at addressing this theme, I'll address to and pick up adjective's inspection. With Part1 and 2, we'd smoothly carry the subject at very larger extent halfway and inbetween degree's signification. Really used words' inspection must be done this series.