Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Walking with Me

Regeneration consistently is done either to me, because yesterday’s me is already never myself at now.

Time and me anytime are walking together, thus I sometimes call time, “Hey, you time walking with me, please tell me, your true identity!”

Very traditional regarded so proper goodness could never wither yet now, nevertheless, just keeping old good moral could get some demerit or kind of loss at taking advantage of now’s profit in upedated reality, in it either I feel not so well matching between notionally seemed correct idea and actually running reality.

Frequently repleceable reality’s irresistible force could make me call it saying, “What method can I apply in this running so effectively for now me?”

However necessarily only no response could be confirmed so silently.

Yesterday’s me is recollective at now me, but that idea and aspect now myself which could get an image and see that appearance must be wiped away from my mind, several days later from now.

Just walking with me, seemed everything around me in my room and my walking step, any my witnessing all fegure must keep going on in ceaslessly swichable mode, nevertheless, only so impressed specifically some matters could never be deleted from my mind with memory.

How that my mind selection could go on and what sustains that selective mind and what made that all?

No, certainly anytime only no answer could be gotten to me, but only one thing could get future myself impressed, that must be that asking my mind’s memory, with it, we’d follow the memory’s thread into some regenerated appearance at one specific time.

Necessarily that iteration neither could last so everlastingly, nevertheless, as long as I live, that iteration could tell me at each generated now, something so penetrating suggestion on me, and I’d get the mind to resume something.

In powerful motional might made by reality is consistently invalidating any tiny thing from any now, nevertheless, only constantly regeneratable things could be my familliar fellows in my mind, and to them, I whimsically whisper so easily, “Thank you anytime walking with me, and that together step could ease my mind.”

Hello, walking with me, those things, you whisper something anytime beside me together in so good timing!

Jan. 31st.      2022