Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Only One Optional Reaction in Hundreds of Echoes A.

To one so enchanting singer or instrument player in performing on stage makes so visibly confirmable reaction to the stage managing one's any appearance.

Nevertheless, to any individual audience, the heard echoe is just individually featured on so privately reacting to each sounding with singer's voice and player's displaying reservation.

Only one acceptance to any tiny made voice and sound any performer can make and deliver to any audience.

Though to each ears to their own playing, perfectly heard echoe must be made at anyone's mind.

That means our so segregated option to any noisy environment even with any numbers of audience,wto each ears and mind, in other words, at one audience, only one heard appearance must be made at one's mind.

Though, essentially, to one audience, any other audience's heard appearance is never heard and accepted to the one's mind.

That ultimately personal option means our appreciation. Though that must be another thing with regulation or law, and convention, even with our admission or acknowledging to any hearing manner.

Though, any sympathy and compassion is fundamentally so privately taken to any mind, and the truth manageable our world reality must signifies the capsule hotel room or asylum's cell reality to anybody.

Nevertheless, to anybody, simultaneously publicly credibily regarded consensus accepting is covered at any mind, that must be mass reality.

To human world, consequently very privately taken own mind and very regurately taken general mind and ea own appearance must have substantially no gap and no distance.

That is not only ethnically so but also physically so.

Though, very basically, to us, each separable reality and joined bond reality has no border.

One tiny presence of one personality must mean both privately mindfully tangible and interpretative, and very commonly sharing totalled and unified presence.

What proves all those mechanisms is just our mind and idea between one so sturdy bridge.

Each mind and idea is on separably segregated in strangely united network, that must be our mind's interpretative idea to each separable reality.

That is community.

That makes us music and song at each occasion.

(Irregularly to be continued)

July. 16th.   2022