Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

What should be Literature at least to Me a.

If we try to interpret literature, at least to me, specifically as far as concerned with writing novels, next thing is vitally never so curtailed inappropriately.

That is "fiction making in setting must be truly seen and described.

In other words, to any reader, made impression to be unnaturally to the description of read novel.

That constancy easily interpreted is just lifelines for creating novel.

Meanwhile, if more fundamentally necessary literature-s stance could exist, what should be?

That must be that human presence basically so weak, that comprehension and premised stance for describing.

In other words, upon these fundamental principles, either love and hatred are really made in our world, community and any field of our social site.

(Irregularly continued)

Sep. 13th. 2022