Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Mind's Leaf

Mind's leaf multiplies, propagates into enough extended opened field.

Embedding any hollow and aparture into filled some unexpected emerging simbols.

Any developing depends on merely accidentally taking place figure.

Tiny whim could make the mind holding one some unforgettable definite form.

Anybody wakes up to some serially associable deployable track on mind.

Opened spatially made infinity as it ought to be only no flame, nevertheless once its situated nature could be told or mentioned, there outputs some flamed indication.

Every small fleeting leaf or the tasty small air breath momentarily impress our notice.

Some another thing associable picture in mind engraved in memory.

Though, memory must have transformation.

Consequently, any brain cell suggesting tiny flash makes our mind jumping to usually vacant spacial air pocket.

Very small thing must need spatially besieging and beholding own mind.

Nothing is given birth to for the first moment being bigger. 

Small starting gets some massive identified embodiment.

In its transitive running, time must drop into the field.

That tiny moving means so much.  

Only given there must mean so much.

(Irregularly continued)

Sep. 16th.  2022