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Fight Nature Conversion A.

Modernized eras coming in human history made some specified legally ordered reformation.

That was crime legalism(jurisprudence)'s introduction to general citizenship society.

That must have made so radical conversion to general society.

In other words, fighting stance's chivalry's abolishing and ratiomalism's positive dominance.

Legal objectivism was settled in citizenship society.

And necessarily, these appearance embodied society converted that nature from middle ages' fighting stance to another paper documentation and legally reasonable rationalism.

Necessarily, human presence must never be perfectly excluded fighting spirit, fighting form must have been switched into insinuating, derogatory, and culminating very cunningly damp and shady mentally burying form from directly physically damaging.

In other words, sophistication devises could have introduced at abolishing to any revenge, retalritation in physical violence, in turn, very mentally presuring own mentally burying intellectuality must have progressed. And necessarily, democracy must have originally own very intelligent sadism abiding perfect mental violence progressed and pioneered gradually.

And necessarily, these days' general citizens' own developed euphemistically sophisticated criticizing and sly suggestion abiding so clever aggressive manner and officially very cold insinuating method must have been advanced and refined particularly e.g. at bureaucrats circle, academic circle or so.

In these intellectuality and intelligently complicated realities in any circle, only not illegally, but maximally sly formally smartly suggesting way applicable high grade evolution must have been built at intellectuality and intelligence value abiding circles.

With these procedural stepped history, very skillfully cunning almost spiritually cheeting nature higher grade bullying sophistication must have completed.

In all those factors, fighting form must have acquired own skillful perfection and that usage in ordinarily regarded generously.

In other words, that derogatory technique is constantly done in permissive extent and cunningly made allowable range. And that social implicitly forgiven reality consists in human nature's necessarily equipped necessity for a change of mental mood and spiritually necessary stressed mind diffusion.

That could be psychologically and psychiatric necessity abiding very ambiguous and fuzzy territorial wisdom.

And nowadays own internet cyber statial communication networked society must have duty at re-inspection for our mind congenitally inherent wicked mind nature of our proneness to trespassing margin for making light of any personal sneaky bad mouth.

That easily done act for us must be our careless adorable mind's favoritism to from middle age's feudalism abiding application and nobility or aristocracy application in subconscious or unconscious copying spirit in pedantic snobbery.

We unconsciously mobilize our ancestors misdoing in very lightly regarded amusement request in daily routine work site.

We all are childish innocence proud so unconscious sadists to patsy regarded one in consensus to bullying to somebody.

(Irregularly continued)

Sep. 16th. 2022