Blog for Nameless-Value

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Substance and Notion Part4.

in our world, to one event, phenomenally done thing, we'd never signify it in distinguishing and divisional comprehension,  in other words, to one idea, that substantial nature and its own applicable notion or concept.

That example either means that we'd never divide one identity and its naming, or to say nominal indication and own signifying with materialized grasp.

In other words, we'd never regard any one given thing as objectively regarded substance and subjectively regarded identity in mutual division.

None the less, that occasionally our mind defitnitive regard is not based on completely the neutrally seen or regard view.

In frank, any neutrally seen regard is never applied at each perception, but simultaneously, neither only notional nor only materialized each view is never mobilized.

Nevertheless, it'd nevbr be neutral view.

That must be so definitive view, but merely we have no the most suitable one definitive adjective abiding nor the most conveniently suitable one absolute grasping mind's modification.

We'd never found the method to surpass dualism abiding definitive articulation nor significant expressing method.

Though, necessarily, to these realities, we'd assume that we just have no perfect articulating at once with some useful one absolute indicative fixation attached mind scheme.

That means also that our nind could never reach the most appropriate interpretative simplicity or kind of the most suitable coverage or the identifying conclusion to one thing. Though, we still are at coming and going to one matter, item, subject.

In other words, we'd never arrived at the most stable one the ideal interpretative nor comprehensive indicating way or mindset.

Probably, we anytime attend own procrastinating at any decision, that our mind's nature could produce both nominally notional mind abiding comprehension and meantime, simultaneously objectively substantial approaching mind's mode.

However, otherwise, former idea could be only procrastinating to extrinsically fixing and latter one could be only procrastinating to intrinsically fixing.

In other words, otherwise, any duality abiding analytical mind's comprehension signifies our mind's own fluctuation to one phenomenon.

Otherwise, that our mind's nature could have been derived from our emergency reacting own prepared posturing.

(Irregularly continued)

Sep. 23rd.   2022

Appendix; At next analytical occasion. To our identifying mind's essence, I'll address to analyzing and mentioning. Otherwise, addressing and mentioning are either our own procrastinating mind's proof.