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Necessary Mindset for Surviving 21century toward Upcoming Future ②

Recently, globally No.1assets famous enterprises owner as super manager was proposing very harder condition to any employee, and after all more than half employees were consequently unemployed by his harsh decision as proclaiming anyone around aimed to cut for his manageable course.

That so emergently sufferable situation change is utterly unexpected and never any credible prophecy could hafrve been done to anybody, that is these days' our age own circumstance.

Additionally, we can judge that these days our surrounded realities are just very easily tempted at freely sending message at each occasion so rapidly to anybody.

The very exceptional our age's nature must make us have own difficulty.

That is what we have only twisted circumstance at belonging to any organization or personally directly concerned unit or so, in other words, we all are given so many easy chances to get our free message around our own remark and opinion, though necessarily we could have very exceptionally twisted composere or kind of own organized unit's features and the very complicated our daily working environmental condition must make us own very unstable mentally so needing helping mood for arranging our own peaceful mindset.

In other words, we all are put very unstably anxious and future prospect ambiguous and perfectly uncertainty abiding own Psychiatric situated our mindset updating and very frequently our demanded minded radically switchable necessary tensed social mood is easily infectious around showing own opinion at any site, that demagogue reality composing social appearance must make our own mentality focus on pathological vigilance at taking any small action taken by anybody, so regarded as being twisted, that extremely made theory of that human is inherently evil and wicked abiding comprehension could overspread whole our necessary territory.

In other words, at any our social unit, very twisted reality in which ally and enemy are together very complicated mingled and mutually easily replaced circumstance is easily done to anybody's daily truth.

The reality had been completed by our easily upping any directly not censored circuit convenience made qeality.

The reality's own feature is very highly speedy and very almost Cameron tasty conversion made at any citizen provided here there and everywhere.

In other words, we all are obliged to spend own frequently convertible course change obliged daily nature manageable reality.

These days' our mindset must be obliged to get any reality interpreted as so absolutely self defensive own mutually skeptical and dubious mind sharble sensitively irritated mind constantly held readiness necessary, that so to some extent, miserable atmosphere must be done to anybody.

To any seen wicked reality we are gradualy losing own generosity to anybody.

That very spooky reality of us rather demands us have own relaxed ming and affection to any contacting one for us.

These so comically contradictory daily social mechanism must be submitted to our own mind.

Unexpectedly those procedural circuit is definitely shown and extremely provided to us all in equalized daily factual feature. To those characteristics, we'd lost the term "superficial" interpretation for adjective allegory in comprehension around our mind's surroundings.

At these terms, we need to review any Analytical philosophy's own equation's method and course any professional academic circle belongings.

In other words, these days' academic reality around cultural scientific and epistemological academic necessity must be strained or filtered by pathology as psychological Analytical approaching as percolating or definitive percolation toward Mathematics, Logics, Linguistics and Philosophy of Mind or so through Medicine professional territory abiding intellectual wisdom and knowledge.

(Irregularly continued)

Nov.  23rd.  2022