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Law of Contact, Love to World for Us

If you want you to come to your especial one, you have to come in the one in coming, making the one come by the oneself and you.

The most vital what you have to do is only giving love to anyone. Because given mission to you and true happiness means never monopolizing givdn love, but merely giving your any kind of love tn anyone.

In them, your especially lovable one must be staying at somewhere.

World truth for you and anyone of us is unexpectedly simple.

That is love which definitely sharable and giving anyone. That is easily spontaneous.

Though holding only in your hand is not love. It's selfish satisfaction in vain.

Your true satisfaction definitely consists in your sharing mind to anybody in wrapping anybody with love.

Because having shared love covers the world which means our true love must be made there.

Its reality is universally to us all.

Law of contact belongs to love creating chance. 

Only it satisfies our any field which is identified with world for us.

Though some negatively made reality in outputted pessimistic emotion could overshadowing so in spooky climate. There must be misunderstanding ground, you know.

None the less, we'd never stop any trial for searching and finding newly valuable love for us.

Because that must be the sole magnificent our future's hunch and legacy for survival for us.

When you approach somebody, there you must have the law of contact. And it just means love to love to the world for us.

Anytime, anyone, any love is up to you.

Dec.  12th.   2022