Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Your C○ck in My P○ssy, My C○ck in Your P○ssy

Your spout shows me your true mind.

Any danger to get these days' own evolusive typed infections virus into our physical arm must make us know our own emergency for so long period, so presumptively.

In so hard risks, Adele's "Easy on Me" heals our mind before we get steady inter-course.

Gush it all! At the risks for infected condition, any shoreline operation makes any business concerned ones so perplexed, but your own strategy must be so strictly safer, because your readiness is constantly so superior than any other your circle one.

Spout your tanked everything!

You try to shoot and rifle fire to invade assembry hall for criticizing injustice around Presidential election, and for doing so well you want me to help your erection!

But occasionally you should abstain it from doing so at abusing, because nowadays another pandemic wave is on heyday, you know.

You are narcotics squad one officer, aren't you?

Because your mode taken to me tells me your identity.

After all, surviving our own world, no matter how strange corner of downtown we survive, any circumstance is not so gapped to each other, you know.

In the end, any circle's implicit regulation is on sneaking away from any dangerous zone and keeping the best chance to get that supreme time for us at obtaining your co○ck in my p○ssy and to you, "my c○ck in your p○ssy", you know!

Blow in the storm in harsh pandemic having periodically relapse, in turn getting better and worse.

We all have no option to persevere any variant typed of it and smartly evade any jammed and crowded situation, you see and agree!?

Blow in the pandemic and insurrection into Capitol, assemary hall or so!

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 12th.  2023

(For all younger generation healthy couples in whole over the world!)