Blog for Nameless-Value

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Paralleled Dimentional Gapped Mind A.

Mobile phone's extremely overusing daughter killed her condemning mother around it shows generation gapped consciousness. Because younger daughter has learning necessity around overusing mobile phone terminal for upcoming her own future, but older mother's mind is dominated by her younger days' social moral.

My older mother is often listening to her favorite 20century's hit popular music songs, and generally, own death approaching ones' mind gradually rejects up to date the most topical songs. However my concern is dominated by either these days constantly newly released songs.

After all, in any social site, each mind at paralleled each perfectly differentiated concern and own commonsense attending, though, generally at any site, as long as any gapped generation one's surviving, mutually very gapped minds in same site at mutually completely remotely distanced sensitivity make own mutually not overlapped small wall made reality.

Death approachable reality in life makes generally old one's mind rejection to newly updated commonsense and topically subjective songs and any fashionable mode. Meantime, younger one's brain greedily absorbs constantly updated information and very frequently convertible mode and system.

Left lifetime volume's reducing gives the older one's mind almost recollective desiring time greed, on the other hands, younger one's mind anytime shares greedy absorbing newly updating realities.

Each content is mutually never overlapped at both neglecting mind and at any site, mutually each brain is arbitrarily selfishly interpreted in own thing.

Though fundamentally world means one so huge conainer mutually completely gapped brain's curiosity.

Each never shared mutually only neglecting own selfish concern and greedy getting and obtaining desire in accidentally co-existing.

Mutually perfectly different content's memory abiding accidental co-staying.

Though world is based on only mutually wall which is shielded at each own mutual refusal to each other in terms of conceiving content. Though world means basically each cell's own barrier in shutting and closing to each other.

Mutually only never made any fusion at compartment around ideas, recollecting and viewing any present appearance.

Wall, shield, black curtain and locked cell to each other, that mutually independent and interspersed reality means world for us.

Though our world means mutual segregation.

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 18th.     2023