Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Very Tiny thing is Never so Trivial a.

To us, so honest one could regard so religious and philosophical thing or things as significant and integral. But actually to us, at least at very daily dimensional idea could be adopted at the debate, rather so tiny sensitive thing is just so seriously integral, at least regarded so.

For instance, if we try to discover our own the best meeting to somebody as a lover, if anyone whom we could contact is so similar type to once lovable emotion we had but that love was never realized, usually the unnecessary recollection promoting one is apt to be evaded so ordinarily. At least for my view, that is just my truth around private matter in my life.

Though, usually, our life thing is regarded not so essentially regarded but rather so regarded as trivially sensitive.

And very strictly seriously regarded life philosophical and so seriously taken truth abiding matters are apt to be dodged or evaded as not so personally integral it.

Though, when we formally talk around our life as generally regarded talk, we are apt to apply so philosophically in some social manner, but substantially our mind does never believe in that superficially formal interpreting so honestly, far from it, rather we constantly must have no that seriously taken life thing so smartly.

Thus, we have some irresistible double standard so necessarily ordinarily in our private life.

Essentially regarded thing for our own life is probably constantly consequential thing after we've gotten so stable reality, though usually at any occasion, only very tiny discriminated thing is unexpectedly so vital for our own private life embodiment.

Because to us, socially procedural realistic completing is constantly very indispensable to our concrete life and the view to it.

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 4th.     2023