Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Pedantly not Taking Essence a.

Walking in our own vicinity demands rather now seriously taken only superficial imaginary arbitrary idea and picturing are necessarily appropriate.

Almost time we spend is dominated with very small trivial inessential tiny partial idea and imagination, and ordinarily, only time recognition and comfirming are mainly shared.

Once upon a time, at my June high-school ages, one very fat boy was my those days friend and he liked US or Latin America and Europe Western movies and he named his describing Manga tasty picture "Suicide fallen leaf", that moment, I was a little shocked at his sharp sensitivity.

And ordinarily, almost people's sensitive home was composed since the birth moment to several years old ages. Whole left time in our lifetime must be only weak tea as used tea leaves after drinking up tea all. 

And rather at measles attending ages' own challenge able-bodied ages' own sensitive curiosities have no enemy.

In other words, any other whole lifetime's own spent daily realities are just only very empty time running in no pause merely keeping.

Essential intuition is ordinarily for our ordinary daily life time running, almost indefinitely meaningless, far from it, rather that kind of own ghaitry apparition is only necessary for infantile children and very older any job retired ages people's amusement for enjoying left lifetime.

In otheqg words, essay describable notional world is only for holiday entertainment only for change in hard busy lifetime.

Never so integral nor not so grave nor intrinsic, only ordinary extrinsic whole commonplace things are just almost major and the most suitable materials and tools otherwise for daily life to us, just so indispensable and not replaced convenience.

Simply, plainly, in our ordinary daily life, there's no essential matter, because being essential means what we have deeply recollective and introspective time running is inserted at some pausing time, and very sometimes in these time running, we rarely, or exceptionally have some very penetrating and enlightening ideas or so. And that findings in mind is very advantageous only when we have some very seriously annoyable and very painfully despair assaulting time or relatively long period dominating life time in distressed mind's sustenance. And except them all, to us, everything around spending days for us is almost not especially commonplace things and matters keeping and continuation.

And only those given life is okay. 

Because life is very simply raised ages, developed ages, ordinary commonplace time running overshadowing ages as the longest with each conversion, no other things are almost none, and that's enough.

And its view is not optimistic one nor pessimistic one.

And only that is just the naturalist to us, you know.

(Irregularly continued)

Mar. 4th.    2023