Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

I wanna Own Your Love 💜💚🧡💖 B.

In world, you busily run about for the mission given to you, but your mind must be ejaculating on your true emotion which is wanting you to be outed from dutiful task.

I want me to be the shield only for you to be secured by my affection.

From the beginning to know you, my mind was dominated by your any move.

The appearance with sharpened intellectual wetty lips, dignified solemn minded emblematic nose welcome me in formal reception.

Any icon attended on you has nothing to do with my own love with you.

Just I wanna be a shield for you to be protected from any unnecessary seduction.

Your ancestors traversing ocean and accompanying streaming clouds are the talking partners for my own voyage.

I wanna visit any fragrant river along which any wonderful song and the culture popularized to globe calling us with you.

Any wavy daily anxious mind must be diffused on our easy voyage as long as our mutual trust is attached to our mind's bottom.

Your eyes' talk in tiny whisper moves the world unstably running trend.

In the desolation arcade saloon, one small kitty squats there is now your mind, isn't it?

No problem, wherever you are intended to head for, my mind's another helpful kitty is anytime beside your sissy mind.

Because we'd already in a small boat for new promised land in which newly built cathedral welcomes our arrival.

Everything launches since the moment.

(Irregularly continued)

Mar. 26th.  2023

(To B/D1/O)