Blog for Nameless-Value

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Economics is Absolutely the Strogest 2.

To us, no matter how many people's lives could have been robbed or stolen by warfare or so, only economics abiding human activity must never be diffused nor invalidated.

But otherwise that our irreplaceable truth around our life realities could be derived from what our society consists in merely language actitity. If our society depended on perfectly another activity toward language it, our society must have been managed with very different typed system abiding activity against our knowing economics abiding activity.

Warfare doing atrocious outcome could have been arbitrated by some useful method, probably so far, another systematic method except economical compensation is so far found. And probably that irreplaceable factual truth could have some convinced reason.

And it could be money or currency dependent compensasable procedure is not so invincible nor perfectly ideal measure, though rather its method could never have been survived so easily.

Because ideally seen measures could be easily surpassed by another measure at so substantial and essential conversion around our reality's appropriate dealing method's dimensional fixation.

In other words, in human society, otherwise at any situation, not specified and merely only lazy measure could survive any easily switchable reality.

And if we should have found that more ideal method could have been potentially prepared for previously, that could have been found at our human social civilization's first stage by those eras' people.

(Irregularly continued)

Mar. 27th.   2023

Appendix; These days' Qunatam Computer's generalization in commodity mass production signifies market principle applicable realities and it is never genuinely theoretical demanding. Its positively time economizing cost performance demanding reality could promote e.g. wave function's application to calculation.