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Adjective’s Derived Composite Nature Review ❶ With Utility

Adjective must have owntotalled nature as composite order's form. That's the essence of some signified element no other part of speech must have. The nature is mutually differentiated essence's own draggable element as buffering functional zoning.

For the present let's define BASIC TERM's Adjective and BUFFER ZONE TERM's it, as ① former and ② latter.

 ① big, small, large, huge, narrow, high, low, tall, long, short, bright, dark, clear, clean, dirty, rare, frequent, first, last, hot, cold, central, specific, exceptional, (e)special, sporadic, secure, secular, transient, sometime, variant, only, sole, rich, poor, visible, invisible, obvious, sharp, keen, dull, lazy, transparent, shiny, fussy, meticulous, fastidious, immense, etc.

② in-between, neutral, ambiguous, ambivalent, second, cool, warm, some, several, lukewarm, murky, insecure, unidentified, tepid, vague, opaque, grazed, fuzzy, etc.

However, former basic category means merely each Adjective's own significant usage abiding it.

Meanwhile, more daily applicably approached own eachadjective vocabulary usage must be present to us.

E.g. "big" can be applied not only sizable indication bu also our mentally, spiritually sensitive, otherwise more academically psychological indication permissive adjective.

This truth evidences that our mind's immanent evaluation is so whimsically, never so fairly, rather so selfishly, we'd say so. Necessarily, there must be some envious emotion, far from it, even very jealous it could be there.

In other words, adjective means socially class abiding vanity, greed and own twisted interpretation could be easily made.

E.g. "My self-confidence around doing it is at the matter of fact so small." or so is realizable for concrete example. Necessarily, this mentioning is according to accepting very variously interpreted.

Other example is e.g. "My impression around her is so impressive." otherwise, "~so bigger.".

However, necessarily, more invisibly murky buffer zone is applicable.

"His appearance displayable passion he originally should have is so unimpressed and almost so lukewarm." 

By the way, at very convincing content's sentences are ordinarily smartly replacing any commonplace truth into another appearance as noticeable very fascinating interpretable content. That interpretable definition is some credible battlefield for authors.

(Irregularly continued)

Apr.19th., May 27th.   2023