Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Strength a.

We are never so neatly constant at having strong will nor rigidly justice abiding own belief.
Far from it, in taking those fundamentally correct instructive idea, none the less, anytime somewhat lingering attached emotion is remained, consequently, so irresistibly.

We are never constantly convinced at only smartly doing anything around every daily scene.

Though from the beginning, we are previously somewhat determined not to be perfection, and in its limited abled or kind of very ambivalent mindset for dealing every difficult situation.
Of course, we at some another mindset, admitting in spite of our own stronger, the strongest one as ideally regarded emotion, but simultaneously because we are unxceptionally a small point in any space, as long as we are alive at feeling anything only through our own body, and the detached our very finite abled power execution reality, otherwise as extended power for knowing even ordinarily kept clandestine information, we'd pioneered any kind of generative ai or som but to some honest mind extent, we simultaneously begin to be awakened at our own ridiculously greedy desire too.

Certainly any eraborate generative ai must aim only numerically outputted credibly convincing probably regarded perfect or appropriate data and performance. Anyway, we are never expel our own physically given reality in which to us, any body part is functioning for making us interacted with any external environment from our own conditioned reality, e.g. we are never able to floating different dimensional travel or so. 

In other words, to us, only we are never escape from our own body attending reality, and it must be the absolutely fair or perfectly equivalently given condition, in other word, I am never escape from my own body, but you are different, that strange condition is never given to us, only the absolute fact is perfectly even to anybody.

One body, one mind / one physical conditioned object, one spiritually minded presence, except those, any other exceptional situation nor condition is never given to anybody, and only it is the absolutely the fairly shared truth.

Even if any progressed generative ai is pioneered so eraborating perfection, probably those all are merely numerically given formulated own notion, in other words, all those are very convenient tool for knowing generally universal credible value and necessarily some specified presence more than those.
Necessarily, properly provided data reference is certainly very conveniently trustworthy, but it's indicated data is only speedily outputted convenience, in other words, what kind of convenient product we should opt at purchasing in mind by itself is the most integral for our mind and practically embodies our materialized life.

After all, to us, individually, only our own body in power we can be conscious, any meeting, any discoverable contact is made and we need essentially no more than it, or to say, what we can have only one body and anytime one mind can know and feel, e.g. I can do so not confirming with you in cooperation, and only the fact is merely absolute. 

And only in it, life everything is contained. And any valuable simplicity consists in its absolutely irreplaceable our own condition.

(Irregularly continued)

June.  16th.    2023