Blog for Nameless-Value

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Procedural Non-Subjective Nature’s Legitimacy 1.

To us, any social, specifically, in terms of any our human survival necessary, or necessity abiding own official procedural rightfulness, what makes us need only non-subjective nature is somewhat every time what perplexes us, nevertheless, we could never dodge that procedure, and to its reason, we often have own moral hazard, or the hazardous emotion could overshadowing our mentality and spirituality, by the way, to it, how could we deal with or have own disposal?

To it, simply, we only can answer, because from the beginning, our own world is dominated by, from the beginning, very distorted or very unnaturally seen strange irrationality.

Originally, our globe was based on mutual discrepancy as the absolutely uncoverably and uncontrollable nature, as the initial set premise, difference of culture, religion, ethnicity, race abiding own nature circumstance or so we're from the beginning, ineliminably, network to us.

In other words, substantially, we all are never so smartly harmonized nor so rationally unified species, probably according to what our ancestors had own language at each race, ethnicity, that own mutual discrepancy must have from the beginning has rooted.

Though, for solving that contradiction, only notionally, probably, no other method but symbol as not attached attitude abiding rationally schemed procedure's own nature must never have effective efficiency.

Thereby, necessarily, our socially necessary management and to some credible extent appropriate social control must have been obliged to apply only symbol usage abiding own no subjective procedure.

In other words, in our today's global community, for sustaining our own no unnecessary struggle evasive order and crash mutually preventive scheme's necessity, we have no other way, so non subjective, individually attached prejudice regarded public moral must have controlled our global community as centenporary own ideology at least after World War II.

Originally, to us, symbol with number, alphabet or so are in general that very expediently set own procedural presence.
In it, at least procedural necessity, we should never combine any subjectively attached idea or sensibility, or independently necessary sensitivity. Those are individually necessary and privately necessary another value or personally important finger for us.

In other words, at the regard of socially order sustainable necessity, we for the present have regarded so unnecessarily personal.

(Irregularly continued)

July. 7th.    2023