Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Upturned Eyes’ Ladies Ballad j.1.

After all, after she came back home after she was tempted to dance at own music on air dancing floor shop by Ms. Dorgie Cat-mouth, almost impulsively ardent absorption around writing lyric and melody on stable held rhythmic running, she at a stretch, completed one love song. 

And the performance was not like ever written ones but more purely eyed own reality's own severe mess and harsh reality abiding weeping or kind of greedily demanding own salvation by God, the tasty completed performance for her song writer's reality, for the first time experience.

After finishing her lyrics and tune composing, her mind could be felt so diffused any unnecessary lament and depression, she had that own impression around one song competing.
Billa after completing, she recorded at her own studio using several keyboards instrument and drums, or so added in rhythmic device, and synthecizer deal was overlapped , and it's version tape for shooting visually and auditorily by herself was transmitted to these days'  her job fellow Ms. Jessica Hardtelung and she tried to wait for her reaction after she listened to it so carefully.

Anyway, to her, that newly created song's completion certainly gave her own mindful aftermath feeling. And she immanently had some own healable emotion after doing herself one new song. And she even wanted to make her more anarchistically doing anything around creating new tunes.l

After she sent her transmitted message to her job comrade Ms. Jessica Hardtlung, about one hour passing, her reaction to her mobile phone terminal, and it was only written message through Inst◯gr◯m, and it was "So cool, this tune a little bit not that yours, that unexpectedly surprised impression, at least I got from this."

To her the reaction, Billa was somewhat utmost rejoice, because she always honestly respected Ms. Jessica.
Tomorrow, she will meet her for their own projected PR film shooting for two ladies, and Billa was very positively anticipating that job site for two, after so long some stagnant atmosphere period as her professional singer-song writer life reality.

(Irregularly continued)

July.  7th.    2023