Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Compatible and Incompatible c.

We all are easily imaging any era attending time span and that could easily return to the earth birth period.   

Nevertheless, necessarily, that must be only very nationally abstract scheming. Yes, we are having both around our own life, very directly relevant things and not directly so things as mutually differentiated item, none the less, very necessarily, between what could be directly concerned things and known only abstracted ideas as from the beginning, originally rudimentary own mutually never crossable them are mutually intrinsically very remote thing.

Necessarily, anyway we have to concern our own body and soul with each very realistically up to date subject and to item's not that so directy concerned with our own survival in our mind as own intuitive discriminable mind.  

And, because we can know that at daily life only practical issues is filled with our mind, we'd feel some unnecessarily bound, constrained atmosphere at only neatly really commonplace occasionally having mindset, very unnecessarily felt to be a prisoner consciousness as own idea around own life reality.  

In other words, at one honesty, we have very obediently mindset attached own conservative mind to any social obligatory given institutions, on the other hand, we also have a mind wanting to be out from our life's own prison, caged impression around spending own life.

Nevertheless, we can stem our mind from being precipitated into multiple personalities and we are barely deterring our spirit never at unnecessarily sprinting.

That must be what we have in mind both mutually easily not overlapped with our socially own necessary tasks and also to very abstractly not directly relevant matters, we can easily have a curiosity.

We almost autonomously discriminate both things so conveniently rationally, because we by nature intrinsically are not overtaking our mind so unnecessarily, because we previously know that not so appropriately some flexibly not seriously taken mind should not be with our idea, not so unnecessarily identifying any life the absolutely rationally synthesized view could be one unnecessary taken dutiful mind, and arbitrarily flexible necessity abiding own ethical and moralistic realistic is half forcibly are rearranged in our own practical mind.

(Irregularly concerned)

July. 18th. 2023