Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Ultimate Truth ②

First, we usually, unless we are at now having so serious mistaking, ordinarily, in considering some useful idea around disposing of present emergently necessary future facing issue, we to some mindful content desperately try to find solvable idea and when we find actually very smartly solvable idea, we must take that present time's idea as the top priority, in other words, we almost instinctively precede each now facing reality. 


And intrinsically, we have own implicitly imprinted idea that to us new things are preceded than any past things.

Though, even if we had so seriously injured heart and that very harshly ached ideas in mind, if now facing thing in reality could be acceptable, we'd be for the present satisfied with it, and we relatively can evade own claiming mind around stepping to future abiding subject.

Necessarily, around everything, we can know so easily that we can never regenerate any past condition or appearance around just present time as date we are at anytime.

This absolutely given "ANY PAST NEVER REGENERATED NATURE" as premised absolute condition must manage us, but its management means very naturally given, though to it, ordinarily we are never dissatisfied at the irreplaceable truth.

In other words, only that must be no questionable very necessary idea as the absolutely never switchable truth as factually absolutely our acceptable idea.     

(Irregularly continued)

July. 18th.  2023