Blog for Nameless-Value

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Lost Dislocation i.

After all human individuals were at a stretch any memory around ten years, just one month passed. That my tricking and contrary catching guy was that time said to me, "I just was several days ago employed by a rich farmer family and if I was seeing some doubtful one," I was asked to arrest the one with private reason, and if the one could not be all memory ordinary one, immediately we will release the one. ", after all, in any country, very similar accidents were serially done and reported at news reported on air introducing programs, consequently, any governmental one in any country, almost ones were once losing 10 years memory, but if some very a few people were ordinarily having memory around 10 years, the ones' power will expand more than any other losing memory one. That globally shared anxiety partially shared at any country, though very ironically, at any war continuing country was once stopping war as anybody was having no warfare reality memory.

Nevertheless, at mutual relationship, necessarily, after regenerating their own process around having war at rewatching any recorded material as news report or files as document archive, any country's own head as representative leaders were awakened from 10 years lost memory which fell under the historical step composing period, gradually mutually hatred and skeptical emotion were regenerated again, but simultaneously another ideas as once forgotten memory making days all negative historical step should be once cancelated, that positive ideas were also made and displayed at any country, in spite of not that majority idea.

I made up my mind for a while, I won't go out so easily and at home, I at the matter of fact found new job, lost ten years memory remedying necessity dragging new job supported by government, lost memory revival aimed own new memory implanting project through artificially injecting each one's brain artificially, of course with each one's own 10 years record through any data really stocked so necessarily, for promoting all human normalized state revival, I could pass the exam around lost memory regenerating machine pioneering scheming team membership, and when I was university student, I studied neuro science and brain's scientific functioning territory academic genre as cognitive scientific analysis according to any experimental evidence, though applying my carrier, I tried to receive the test and I fortunately passed all process of exams, and my national services at institute facility at my country capital suburban zone as using commuter train until the moment I've never used.

However, what that guy noticed me as not losing memory one was after all for long term never solved in my mind and idea. Unexpectedly, globally very similar impulsive violent acts were made, according to those cases, otherwise, globally, in any human relation, reciprocal relevance, mutually own skepticism as "otherwise the one was not belonging to the memory of ordinarily lost 10 years" was budding so larger extent in this globe for anyone's mind at least at having memory of those ten years in still never recollective to the ones who were supposed not as memory absence as in fact, really all memory so normal, not memory losing one, the idea was made in anyone's mind.

Simply, in whole global world reality, those who could not be lost memory ones as own mutual skeptical idea and mutually distrustful ideas could have been swollen so universally at any society, in other words, not losing one will dominate this earth governing otherwise using losing ones as slave only for not losing one's dominant class society, that own powerless one specific mind illusion was rampant at whole global extent. 

Thereby, several months passed after at a stretch almost ones were losing one decade memory, globally, very funny and spooky mutual distrustful mind in squeaky harmony was spread at any regional any community. 

(Irregularly continued)

Sep. 17th.    2023