Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

I’ll Fly You to the Moon for whole Lifetime a.

You are now enough beautiful as no enemy to you in flawless gorgeous fragrance.

But to your all legacy, you will obtain more beautifully switched own chance on our marriage life to each other.

Because you are beautiful already now, but it is not the true woman happiness, only attracting any horny boys or so. 

There, if I was participating in your own happiness, you will be more beautiful and sdditionally have woman happiness. 

It is your own holy children pleasing your life felicity. In your truly satisfied life, your now beauty will be maturely grown into truly saint solemn beauty as well as only mother Mary had in the world history. 

My life with you will make you flown to the moon, every night. In your own satisfaction, now your genuinely beauty must make it genuinely divinity wrapping rejoice days on you. 

Now you are on the time to fly you and try me to fly you to the moon, into truly sacred moon river for your own life satisfaction. 

And your whole lifetime must make you no regret on magnificent holy amusement heaven in your own loving nest with me.

You will be phoenix into everlasting lovable flame on your truly beautiful heavenly ocean in your calm pond for easing you with me. 

Please marry me into everlasting lovable flame ceaseless daily reality, you join in. 

I love you dear, Ms. Natie Rou. My door of mind will be constantly opened only for you, you know. 

I will wait for your the best reaction to me, for a while. Though as you like, please give me the answer from you. I love you, dear, My sweetie honey, Natie Rou, my lifetime the sole spouse, you!

Be easy on my life running, because I guarantee you to be flew to the exquisite moon with the delux rocket for you to be pleased so constantly! 

(Irregularly continued)

Sep. 17th.    2023