Blog for Nameless-Value

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Natie and Billa Scottish / Mutual Mind Road j.2.

Billa was after being driven by Natie's driving car, immediately informed her circumstances to her road manager who was already taking his vacation, and to him, she told that she would learn many states local music history and these days situation at contacting any typed of local musicians. And necessarily, also to her older brother Ferdinand and her father and mother. 

On the other hand, Natie was told by car scrap factory manager, "Some serious circumstance is on you, isn't it?" He for a while gazed at her driving car for sale as she intended diffusion of Billa's footprint, there blackened hair younger lady was there at passenger's seat, but she wore sunglasses, though expression was not that easily confirmed. To it, necessarily he could have some conjecture, but he was also business person, though he dared not to ask anything, for the first time, "What do you intend to buy not that used car for scraping, additionally, to some necessary extent, so gorgeous car, alright, some so difficult reason is on you, though I will buy this not that cheaper price." He was seen so affectionate, otherwise also he was notice to the younger lady on the passenger seat and some idea around not so welcoming one for being known, but he was seen honest, though he dared not to inquire more than the whispering question, that time. 

Two ladies in recollective minded state but somehow, they were also expecting new destination, because Natie bought new mini car with her savings from bank located road side, and money payed by scrapper was helped by the factory manager's kindness for buying at relatively higher price, to those all, Natie was regenerated in her mind. Next destination was intended to be first passing through Potecallo into Idaho Falls, her that time idea was for the present Montana state. Necessarily she told Billa rough idea, anyway, the mafioso syndicate investigation network was very strictly webbed to all around the US necessarily the extent was also to any adjacent country and the reversed side of those zones, but for the time being, she had an idea that she had to pass through this home country's unnecessary sufferable thing to one genius deva for global fans. But she unexpectedly was somehow so optimistic, because local musicians won't betray their comrade, because musicians were so believing in flat relevant solidarity, and necessarily Billa was believing in the joint and own sympathy. 

Billa was constantly attending appropriate delux wigs for disguising her seen other lady or so and not being known to her true identity, that was necessary celebrity's own mindset.

Actually, also to Natie, her using any road was not accustomed one, because she usually frequently use cars because she managed her own driving technics and for appealing her those merits and skillful elements. But driving by itself and road knowledge were mutually another thing. Of course, she relatively easily comprehended any difficult route or do, but at very unusual case for driving very genius deva iconinc individual needed her to have own readiness in mind, as responsible dimension.

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Through internet contract, Natie was getting new mini car ordinarily for short distance shopping but she tried to make it for long distance locomotion accompanying Billa. But necessarily, mini car locomotion will cost so much for long distance, but to Billa's own safety will be preceded than anything. She as much as possible not taking any oil unnecessarily waste, opted so flat route checking through her several terminals so smartly, and low energy necessary slopes and on the contrary, slopes for going down was opted by her, and next slope was not that acute, she opted that route. 
Two days passed after leaving Portland, they at first night took one cheaper drive in hotel single room to each other and next day Billa accidentally in checking her terminal, searching for the suitable hotel, and accidentally, she discovered one so small public house local musicians playing performance show attending each room for spending night time continuously. "Hey, Natie older sister, I caught some so better hotel, with playing show by local professional ones. How about?" Billa showing her discovering site to Natie, she at smiley expression, showed her consensus talking to Billa, "Oh what an ideal conditioned hotel we wanted to get."

Two younger ladies made up their mind to use the hotel at gazing at totaled appearance, that was like so old castle tasty hotel. And the zone was relatively nearer to the Idaho state musicians some active local zone. To the appearance, Billa was shouting, "So impressively so spooky thing like Doracula otherwise will come out to us, you know."

(Irregularly continued)

Oct. 27th.     2023