Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

All are Never Fellow nor Enemy a.

Ten years ago, to me some so familiar fellows had some so strong rival, but these days, they  utterly diffused their own featured color, to be replaced with them, those days so almost chick tasty guys and gals these days are remarkably so powerful. 

In any sort of relevance, any confronting one is as well with me, only so tiny presence, only with some angled own shadow, not that powerful ones are merely seen so threatened to me, you know, though in fact, consequently, any being around me, including me, in the end not enemy not fellow, indeed.

To me, those circumstances are so to some honest so serious but to any other one but me might have never been so gapped, thus, after all, we all are never so distanced, you know. 
In the end, necessarily, all are never fellow nor enemy, you see.

To some interpretable extent, any our own reality is just only reincarnation abiding own encounter, at not recollect key regenerated almost perfectly diffused former life memory, you know. 

Nevertheless, to us, to each one, only one consciousness at any "now". In other words, so constantly, only each now is integrally regarded, no other thing must be so neglected by anybody, thus only the fact must be our own socially implicit regulation, and the power is extraordinarily so strong and persistent to anybody's sub consciousness. 

That must be tacitly running replacing vigor or kind of time and running by themselves, own metabolism compulsory own daily rhythm.

Though enemy is anytime arbitrarily made and pictured in anybody's mind, in other words, in fact, anybody could be sacrificed as if Russian Rourette is anytime tacitly set in anybody's mind, and necessarily anybody curiously looks for some ill-natured trapping hole precipitating ass hole guys and gals, but at calminating the ones, at each one so personally, never massively totaled criticism nor generally regarded smearing and derogatory remark done to us, that very stingy violent act favoritism must be fixed at our own mind, you know. 

In the end, any struggle, any friendship is merely not perfect objection nor not perfect sympathized reverberation. Nevertheless, not constantly neutrally regarded stance nor ideology, just simply in between stance is arbitrarily consistent. 

Every mutual understanding is not gray, middle, nor balanced, any that convenient term must be ineffective at each mind's satisfactory interpreting nor so analyzable data nor protocol.

We all are each arbitrarily segregated and contradictorily mutually joined, those not ambiguous nor not ambivalent appearance is our so fittest modified picture, you know.

Each mind, heart or so is individually independent but simultaneously jointed with any other personal mind as well. None the lesss, to it, nobody must be satisfied nor dissatisfied after all, and the consequence is so normal. No unnecessary propaganda is not produced at those modification. 

Each individual mind is each own but synchronically almost identified to any other one. 
The Antinomy reality is premised at our mind, so previously. 

(Irregularly continued)

Oct. 27th.    2023