Blog for Nameless-Value

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Nothing could be Antinomy in Loving Each Other ① My Stance in creating Literature

Democracy and freedom must make Antinomie (as Antinomy in English), either progress in effort, peace with no struggle to each other are in antinomy.

In democracy, justice precedes everything in terms of keeping mutual right to claim or survive in each demand, justice itself must be preceded to anything, although its stance is not always so universally effective in terms of social progressing and developing in difficulty solution, with politics or economical reformation, at the matter of fact, sometimes we must admit so authentically stronger leadership with kind of dictatorship by top leaders in improving so contradictory systematic defect or so, thus that sort of so violently procedure neglecting sweeping reformation once in a century or several centuries must have contributed for so further future progress, but that sort of attempts by real time’s executing must have been regarded so miserably hegemonic to all popularities at that radically practiced situation, afterward with so enough waiting to all effective outcome seen term, that trial and challenge was to be estimated to be so great job, but even its outcome is very rare accident, we could say it ether, then we can say all political procedure must never always depend on only according to lawful nation’s order.

Very best exempled historical facts are accompanied with Honor revolution in UK, US independence, or French Revolution or so.

In other words, universally if we admit only a presence of democratic procedure, at any age or epoch, we could be noticed and convinced with that frequently only democratic procedure executed world must be managed by populism or foolish demagogue spread decedent politically situated condition. That sort of situation must never come up to any harmonized state in real society, that stably never anxious condition must be anytime accompanied with destructed moral as moral hazard, but simultaneously we can admit in history, only harmonized state must not always be stumbled with so conservative idea’s stiffening in being managed with unhealthily corrupted cozy relationship in presiding or sovereignty in nation or any sort of group.

In other words, if we select one in an alternative, we must meet some contradictory antinomy with imbalanced state only leading situation, namely eternally, we must never stay away from try and error in repetition as perfection completed state in misty Labyrinth.

We are from the beginning at the moment to be born together as Homo-sapience destined never to reach any ideally perfected completion everlastingly, that is only our missioned order by Lord.
E.g. in preserving only democratic procedure, we must need debate, but debate activity must output never radically swept revolution, all nationalities are in consensus to have mutually tough debating battle split in factions as situated reality must never be evaded, that condition itself must never be wrong, but if that situated condition must be in never expiring duration, that society or group must have all powers weakened as declined outcome.

In other words, democracy’s rigorously even and fair procedure due to be kept as principle must never always obtain so ideally stable condition nor so sort of perfection fulfilled result we can observe so obviously in the nation or organization.

Otherwise, our social principled all justice in commerce or trade are all never so fulfilled with ideally followed each item’s ideal index must never be mutually compatible, once upon a time, Michael Ende talked at TV program’s interview that all our demanding stably prosperity with e. g. population’s smooth ascending must never be outputted with no environmental destructive situated solved state, in other words, we must never meet compatible state with peace with no war and environmental never beyond our richer prosperity simultaneously, that truth was explicated either by Thomas Piketty as the paper” Le Capital”, at the matter of fact, smooth economic growth must invite so expanded population in whole over the world, but even if we are all noticed and convinced that mechanism, we have yet any convincing idea to endure all never growing situation only for keeping the earth’s environmental ecosystem.
In other words, if Ms. Greta Ernman Thunberg’s claim were only justified to any citizen in world, we are obliged to survive only with a life style only Amische’s people in the US practice traditionally but in terms of economics, that delusive practicing must have so dangerous character simultaneously, in conclusion, we might have derived any spot of savage plundering to each next community, in no rationalized globally coordinated consensus in terms of our mission to abstain all illegal acts from whole over the world.
That is either applied to nuclear weapon abolishment.

Really, our world of now is witnessed with outstanding obvious phenomenal facts with that economics and scientific progress must have developed along with so gigantic conglomerate enterprises strategical performance and national support to them.
In other words, we can confirm that nation itself must never be able to cease any pursuit to acquire revenue’s stabilized keeping, with its object, for stabilizing all stabilized factors in terms of military option, they are obliged to have inherently evil theory of human so authorized premise to invoke all global strategy, that typical example must be our using smartphone and all terminals and autonomous payment system and government’s administrative guidance to urge investment to all people and enterprises or so.

Eventually the strategy must be the sole solution for the present to win all stagnant nationalities life in peace.
In conclusion, we are all benefitting from all convenient tools, devices and infra-structures of society acquired with all commerce and global enterprises’ strategy to gain profit to make their owed revenue to nation, contributing global economy.

Meanwhile, if only so powerful enterprises get gigantic benefit to keep up with their management everlastingly, their employees are frequently unemployed only with their managers’ arbitrary discretion. Hence, all nationals have seriously suffering economical able powered stability in defection in made gap by status’s position.
Necessarily we need at emergency in gap of all factors a cure looked for socialistic welfare idea. Thus, if government always precedes only national revenue, necessarily it must keep only nation’s stabilized economical condition, but as far as concerned with one citizen’s spiritually mental happiness is neglected only in forcibly systematized to rationalized socialism or capitalism, namely at this situation, any difference or discernment between capitalism and socialism must be mystified to all people in nation.

At the matter of fact, our index due to be set is not only revenue nor nation’s prosperity, any individual citizen’s happiness should be presumed is never dependent on economical wealth or consuming power or so.
Even in so severe poverty, enough so happy felt satisfaction must exist in terms of value of life or mental practical effect. Nothing could be compared to any property of people summed up at national powered level or so in terms of individual mentally and spiritually satisfied ideal.
Richer satisfied given life spending in demand by all citizens as private values must make any welfare demanding socialistic ideology jet in need to get spiritual values in society by popularity.

In conclusion, simultaneously whole democratic procedures must be confronting many hindrances with entrepreneurs, investors’ selfish due to be permitted according to capitalistic principle, in inescapable situation with accumulated dissatisfaction in ordinary citizens.
Of course, that anger must never always be gathered and gotten in consensus to invoke or provoke all revolutionary intended action, not yet, all these trials are apt to be blocked by so smart dealing by intelligent arbitrators with juridical intellectuality or so.

On the other hand, if only socialistic activities demanding social just and ideal may have realized, this time bureaucrats’ corruption with high class bureaucrats and public servants, that state must be turned to police state whole around of corners in society or nation, so easily.

In other words, social justice and real national power, just procedure following ideally met condition and its outcome, so convenient life for citizens and only peace keeping ideology in moralistic ideas’ meeting must never be compatible, parliamentary democracy and national economic prosperity are either incompatible.
All are in mutually contradictory co-existence together, but nothing must never be found unless we solve our attachment toward all smooth solutional way to get rid of incompatible reality with counterpart concept to each other, eventually we just will meet only in admitting that we must never be solve at a stretch all incompatible contradictory two dimensioned concepts.

Coz, progress needs absolutely race, emulation, sometimes so tough struggle as history itself must evidence and convinces us so completely.

Emulative acts necessarily made in and among nations, enterprises, same occupation people, in whole over the world, even unity must be a factor to make all things pop up in contradictory phenomena. Eventually, all compromising efforts or arbitrariness in difficulty solution are never exceptional in terms of adopting all things in index outputting around need to evade unnecessary struggle. Coz union or unity itself must be hotbed to prop all stagnant situation with cozy relationship in cooperating ones so unconsciously.

Union, unity includes all scholars, bureaucrats, diplomats, scientists, authors, news reporting media concerned ones, entertainers with athletes or musician and singers, not only governmental or municipal politicians or juridical circle belonging ones, altogether in same contradiction.
Race, emulation must be accompanied with those all relations.

In capitalism, necessarily all those struggling and exploitation to other ones and capital must rise, come up to all domains, of course it must never be consistent harm, chronic evil, there is better case, just with its fact, we must feel this so entangled and so difficult to elucidate all mechanism. Yea, we can conclude that our own being as individual itself must be the toughest thing to be solved coz all individual could never be regulated, that is perfect gap to plants, they all are obeying natural selection, but we constantly resist all this principle, namely its inevitable disposition is our own character as so many philosophers have addressed with for long periods and epochs from the birth of our species’ birth, our all ancestors must have wrestled and grappled with each other, as this result we have own language.

However, our own destiny must urge consistently battle, all battles have destined us to make all ones concerned to any separated group in clearly shown example as gap between winners and losers.
All classes and all struggling trigger must be caused from this reality.
From the beginning, all capitalistic liberty morals are created by its reality and socialistic welfare must have been prepared for its safety net so necessarily.

Defeated ones would use outcasts in society in implicit consensus to all authorized ones by winners and compromise all things in society’s necessities between conservative well rich ones.
Unstable and unfair atmosphere must be made in these phenomenal relations made by all of concerned them.
Otherwise, battle and its result clears social status in tough gap among them, with it, society must procreate conspiracy. But simultaneously its role difference and each distinct playing is making society’s order and activeness either.

Otherwise we obey all just procedure, of course its stance is very important, however, surely only violently offending acts must never be permitted with its control, but simultaneously, so officially meek stance only are done in all citizens, all free deploying possibility must be blocked, occasionally we need also so radically thought practicing needs to be recognized either, that kind of things’ jumping frequently suggested our lazy easy-go-lucky mind so spicily, and with it we can review all never so progressive neglecting ideas. In long history of us, although procedure must be the most influenced order, but simultaneously its only piled result often calls so stiffened prejudice in all groups, nation and community, of course with global internet society.
Once in a century, or several ones, we must need as nationalities or nation itself need revolting or so kind of upsetting all resetting must be crucial.

Just any sequel never knows, and that revolution or overturn’s significantly
convincing merit must be explicated afterward with so long days.

Exactly our history must have had any kind of decisively determined and resolute actions in long sequence, and with it we’d learn so many things as in shared legacy, of course, these revolting actions must have tolled so many victims, and these ideally realized sequel were in long withholding ages, eventually justified legacy as historical incidental matters and never so matters are existing in front of us, but even its evaluation, reputative values are also be able to change according to our earth’s proceeding with human-being.

Very sometimes, so prosperous outcome must admit all sacrificed heroes and heroines and toll of victims, that estimation is so restricted in rare case that so sacrificed nation or ethnic groups are now in so prosperous in heyday, that now sequel or outcome must justify all past sacrifices or scapegoated ones’ toll.
But it is so rare.

In other words, that evaluation must be divided in external it and internal it. Even if so prosperous state, nation or society has generally shared reputative standpoint, it must pop up the criticism toward no questioning stance to shared general opinion.

Very rarely happening all miraculos result must never be ruled nor systematized with law or so kind of confident evidence, just only so incidentally accident and
occurrence, we can judge only so, either.
But necessarily and of course we see that sort of prosperous state must never be so permanent in terms of long period of human history as a species of Homo-sapience’s evolutional process.

Eventually, if we look back to our world, democracy and capitalism are on Antinomy, coz capitalism consistently advocates richer ones as contributors to enterprises, and nations, or nowadays, global economy itself.
However, democracy is not always the thing, coz it persists in social right given evenness, fairness, and all parliament procedure, but these items must have stagnation and very disadvantageous futility so necessarily.
Radical reformative ideas are never exceptional.

In other words, all democratic procedure’s inviting stagnant social situation and atmosphere is evidenced in Freedom Respecting Nation nowadays.
In terms of views we’ve reached, even all advantageous enterprises originally justified with capitalism’s principle is never always advocated to general citizen’s own justice, unless they all are obliged to obey all wealthy men. Being only meek to all authorized ones with successful ones make these obeyed ones so ass-hole never thinking of popular customers.
Eventually, moreover owing many burden to manage whole over the world, CEOs or their colleague are all facing heavy mentality to keep their trust to all customers and nations as partner of trading and commerce.

In other words, even welfare’s justice and investing and speculating in given chance due to be given to all citizens so evenly are contradictorily so incompatible together.

Surely, partially in order to solve it, we can easily pull the example basic income society’s research, and examination, but in long period, that effect never knows to us for the time being.

At this situation, we can easily witness literature, drama playing and movies in activities toward all those exampled social matters, with really developing scenes whole over the world, how should we do as ones who are engaged in literature?

Plainly, I think that so plainly only never so deliberative human action is so many and truly considerable ones are so few, with its real observance, I have an idea to describe all human acts in impulse.

I believe that all literature writing activities and describing activities are dependent on author’s own subjective engagement to all real world’s politics and national one toward it in selfish reaction by all ones concerned with all these movement and switching according to all global trend and condition’s changes.

All reactive manner and trend must rely on those shifting, being connected with politics, economy condition with economics, science, commerce, and religious mind of appearing roles in particularly novel.

One ethnic group belonging person in action and reaction must reflect all those phenomenal matters so universally wherever they are placing and staying, and one national matter must be involved with other all global social matters simultaneously.

If a novel or a poetry has nothing about healing or curing hurt heart or mind, nor no aggression to anything connected with emergency pulling enemy, as being presently shown some particular phenomenal things and matters, how can we call it an expression suggested by authors?

By the way, Oscar Wilde as UK author said, ” An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all.” That’s so plausible to be dangerous propositional issue around society, although we should say that it’s so orthodox idea around our instinctive mind to love literature, and what can never be accompanied with any dangerous suggestion must never be literature, for the present, I have the sort of idea to writing activity.

And only healthily non-politic viewed motivation to describe any sentence and no agitating to anything, for readers and world itself, how can we general readers find the authors’ intention?
If we are shown only suggestion which must never influence our mind inner part, how can we call it masterpiece?

If only calmed observation or witnessing reporting tasted masterpiece presumably could be present to us, that sort of so only conservative ideas and these descriptions could be spread and circulated to not only one community or nation but also whole over the world, what another definition to society or world except frightfully just only one regulated orthodox dogmas, only its dogmatized idea must be treated so correct, that sort of society is bureaucrats’ overwhelming dictating controlling society.

Of course, I have that kind of idea also adjusted and attended to my own novels or so, coz all one theory dogmatized nation must be managed only by one dictating rulers and sovereign.
Really that phenomenal examples are infinitely found to us, so easily. They only can get advantageous situation, if that is met, it must be so horrible.
Hence, literature writing activity is for authors lifetime searching all these kinds of elucidating, e.g. if the appearing character is on a base with never interested in politics only making his or her acting and reacting so non-politic and or sort of so anarchy practicing, that appearing matter on the contrary shows the politically contradictory situated social condition surrounds them so naturally.

If its trial could be called, what should we do? It’d be probably so ironically political and indirectly so sharpened with message to politics implicitly in potential hoping mind by authors.

Its showing way is so suggestive with critical view, but its thing must be so natural never so instructive, so as to way to be read and write is so secretly private for all authors and readers.

In other words, authors hope and wish must be reflected to all appearing characters so distributed any role as we are all holding ambivalent ideas together, mutually contradictory, in other words, vertically if we have one creed or credo, and only it would be regarded the sole absolute it, that one is presumably a believer of Christianity, it must be so admitted, but in terms of our carnally managed people’s world, it must be so insane, thus we would regard all appearing characters in novel as so symbolized with our own contradictory in plural ideas in mutual conflict.

Novel should reflect our own contradictory plural mindsets and anxiety in never forcibly persuading stance, just alluding levelled degree. That is probably so vague author’s hope and wish potentially he or she has.

I usually pay attention to describe all characters symbolized with my own so biased prejudiced emotion to each distinct character at a degree so outspoken than real person’s behavior and comically do so in candid emotionally to all resisting things for him or her.

Of course, that suggestive description must be payed attention with a devise to make all these talks in necessity of story, if that effort was never met, so instructive tasted description was completed, thus I try to evade all these developing, at my writing moment.
But my these stance is caused from my appreciation to many movies directed by great film makers, Sergei Eisenstein, Charles Chaplin, Robert Rossellini, Billy Wilder, Jean Luc Godard, Stanley Kubrick, Francis Ford Coppola, and his daughter Sophia, and Steven Spielberg ,and Woody Allen, Kazuyuki Itsutsu and Takeshi Kitano.

Film makers are smartly describing all character’s each distinct role in directing and indicating actors and actresses, that method is so effective in thinking of all story’s logically switching sequent setting in writing.

At the matter of fact, with these mutually distinct character’s talks, indirectly I attempt to criticize the now contemporary world situation in terms of diverse aspects in a devise of distributing so directly or indirectly, explicit talks and implicit talks are distributed in arrangement to make some important effect to readers made so seen in mind as role meant things. Alluding these ways to distribute each characterized different meant speaking and talk, I try to make one symbolized criticism to whole global world trend and movement, sometimes in applauding, sometimes yelling or weeping or having so strong anger or so.

All distributed contrary role gaps shown to arrangement must be so indispensable to all authors of novel, which should be so crucially convincing to all readers who can see all process so natural, if that trial was failed, all character’s action in impulse or hesitation must be inconvincible to all readers.

Thus, that completing is my race to all masterpieces and all readers, that point must be adopted either to abstractive described poetries, substantially, essence of both things are never be in so serios gap, rather its gap is almost none, I can confess now, probably both difference must rely only on formal completing way according to form’s difference, thus I either try to fuse all these things in one form, occasionally, in fact already I got that method in some works I’ve past released at this blog.

For fulfilling it, all authors must have clear vision and opinion to all political scenes and economical moving whole over the world.
Its idea must include culture, thought, nation itself, religion, community, society, group, military, citizens, and law or so with diverse items might have appeared in novel.
What lacks of criticism or sort of claiming around all items in mind for authors as writing person must never be called a work of literature, I have an absolute credo at writing all sentences.

Of course, not to mention of my stance, it means so entertaining work for all of readers, it’s the most important mission to me either.
(Dec7th-11th. 2019)

(to be continued)