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What is Professional? A. Philosophers and Logicians 1.

Professional philosophers are generally think that philosopher Spinoza ideas were having essential similarity with the one by Marx. The interpretation by and large is hardly interpreted to general citizens. Because professional academic scholars are having own not publicized ideas around analyzing each professional knowledgeable object. 

Even in France, philosophically, Jean Paul Sartre had only once upon a time effective significance around enlightening any professional status, but its idea belongs only to Philosophers circle. 

In other words, Academism of scholars is equivalent with knowledgeable ones of Academism's bureaucrats. That is applied with Natural Science territory. The circumstance is equivalent with Art criticism and Academic analysis circle. 
These intelligence is in general hardly be obtained in not belonging ones for professional scholars gathering and formal meeting. 

In general, any Academic circle publicly admitted language these days is only English. Intelligence which is credibly referable is shared with Philosophers circle and Logicians one, but mutually analyzable approaching method and manner is mutually subtly different. 

In general, logicians are thinking that Logics are very specifically exceptional Mathematics. On the other hand, Philosophers who is conscoius about the ones as not Logicians are never thinking that Logics are like that as Logicians are by and large think.
This decisive conscious gap consists in that Philosophers are not always simultaneously Mathemeticians. In other words, Philosophers includes Mathemeticians and not that ones simultaneously. 

And, in fact, Philosophy territory is very assorted and complicated, and necessarily, Logicians one as well. Because in mathematicians, the ones who recognized Logics are one of mainly important Philosophy and not that ones are constantly existing to each other as not that mutually familiar ones. Probably, Mathematics circles are the same circumstanced.✳️

Because in fact, in general, mutual strict border by itself is not that obviously well known to each other, because each professional Scholars are each very independent ideas around state of the art own field knowledge. In this term, either Academism circles are in the same circumstances as Politics circles are having in general.  

All those circumstances credible reason is derived from that any Scholar has own idea that after all, myself is the most credible indication around trustworthy theory or kind of absolutely correct principle as the professional, in this extent, they all are perfectly identical with any kind of Artist or Musician. 

(Irregularly continued)

Appendix; This report was written according to my own experiences gotten through mainly five professhonal Academic circles for long years. And probably to any Sholoar, you would ask the same question, any Scholler must answer the same reactionary opinion I narrated here.

✳️ Generally, in Biology circle, also Physicians, Phisicists are belonging to, and in Philosophy circle, either Physicists, Biologists are simultaneously belonging to, that daily landscape is never so exceptional at probably any other academic circle.
By the way, only Physiolosists are not that applicable case to that fact, otherwise, Pcychologists as well, but its reason is at least to me unidentified. Anyway, Biology's circle and Physiology's one are mutually not that familiar reladhonship, that factual matter is not that misguided ideas, in general, we could regard. (By the way, this series are regarded as access report to me as since I belonged to several years, several years ago, but necessarily, day by day, any reality must have changed appearance, though these days must have subtly differentiated circumstanced reality, you know, to it, I'd like you to belong to each circle and investigate or check those circumstances by yourself.
By the way, upper description around Sartre was just applicable at Philosophy circle, but in terms of Literature circle, probably the completely gapped remarks or opinions are existing, I can infer so credibly. (Additionally, Analytical Philosophers are thinking that Phenomenology life sustenance is almost fragile and not that everlasting period, at least they are thinking so. )

Burtland Russel is very exceptional genius one, and he simultaneously is Philosopher, Mathemetician and Logician, so exceptionally, the kind one must be except him, Aristotle and Des Cartes or so.