Blog for Nameless-Value

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I wanna Own Your Love (hnstl1)

In frank, to me, you must have some strange impression, and it convinces me so much and I  have no objection around it, but to me, your presence from the beginning very exceptional, and also you loving and respectful Ms. NR was also to me, very wonderful encounter at IST site, but she was to some ordinarily interpretable extent very normally ordinary but splendid beauty, but you are from the beginning perfectly different dimensional presence also to me, and probably in this globe, very many fans of you must have the same impression around encounter to you and your songs tunes. 

You are very absolutely eccentrically honest lady on the earth. And the fact to Ms. NR and me and any other fan are never so gapped nature at least around the true reason to love you. 

By the way, at the matter of fact, I also am never ordinary my country one, probably on the earth the circumstance won't be so gapped, actually. From the beginning, in my country the one who tries to propose you is never so easily appearing, that own my country's cultural background must be existing so really, but to it, I am not so easily regarding positively and that part probably will be so similar with yours as your own stance around your own country situation and obliged holding condition, you know. 

Anyway, purely I love you as ordinary wonderful woman, it's not skeptical view nor so extreme concession, only honest mind around you as my own encounter at some sites. You are normally ordinarily contacting any site as ordinary younger woman does. And the part you take as life stance is one the most lovable element also to me, honestly. 
In frank, I have no lover now, otherwise actually very longer lifetime hours I had been bachelor, and to it, occasionally I felt some painful minded time either, but to it, I had no seriously taken regard so much. 

You are probably very simply ordinarily emitting any message to any younger generation one and also elder citizens in general. And to it, anytime I've held simply reverberating sympathy so much. And that stance and human essence are to me the most lovable attractive and enchanting my heart parts of you. 

Though, if your professional singer and song writer job could have some usefully free easing period, I wish to meet only very finite time, spending for talking with you mainly for hearing your own life philosophy. Only the wish made me write this title series on my this blog site. 

I anytime wish your own creative progress and own your spirit advancement. And you deserve to try the maximally genius job content for human deva music entertainment business and respectful vocation any individual human must necessarily wants. 

Anyway, I am very older, but healthy condition is not that worse than any other the almost same generation one. Though if you will have wonderful encounter to somebody, even it'd be my another life rejoice, because you will be happier than that moment holding any past to you, you know. 

Please take care of your own health management and mutually why don't we spend this winter and your own birthday will upcoming to you and your beloved family members, God bless you and your beloved all ones, see you again and at the time, mutually very healthy and happy, I wish day by day to Lord.

(Irregularly continued)

Nov.  29th.    2023