Blog for Nameless-Value

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Because we have No Guarantee to Success, we should be Bold a.

We should be bold at least at trying trustworthy everything unless our own safety could be threatened by some irresistible power. 

In other words, because we all have no guarantee to success, we should occasionally excluding any controllable meak obedience to authorized power. 

In other words, we should be bold at trying everything as least we can have some positive significance around doing it, because we have no strictly guranteed process at doing anything, we should be bold for breaking through every nasty trouble. 

If we are strictly given gurantee for doing everything so well, we should not have bold trial, but from the beginning, we are never given any guranteed success, though rather positively we should be bold at trying everything rather excluding any conservatively abstinent at trying everything. 

In other words, no gurantee to any obtainable item, we rather positively should be bold and adventurous at trying everything. No gurantee, no abstinent injection nor emission of our own power. Yes, no gurantee must be the best touchstone for trying our own maximal adventurous power unless we'd make us perfectly ruined in devastation. 

What makes me emphasize is merely, we all have never inject our own power for completing what we can picture in mind as the ideally regarded appearance.

We should not have any inactive power emission and outputting in the extent we'd never have any acsertained contribution, in the extent of doing at the first stage, we should make an effort of doing everything not that so I'm actively, but so boldly never being afraid of any small mistake. 

Small mistake afraid mind should be taken afterward we'd obtain so stable success at gaining ground so strictly immovable fame or kind of credibly guranteed status. 

And even if we otherwise have very strictly stable success, we should not stop any boldly triable next stepping stone usage. 

Anyway, we all are never known so well for seeing through any our given future at recognizing any certain truth yet so enough nor well done.

(Irregularly countinued)

Dec. 21st.      2023