Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Natie and Billa Scottish / Mutual Mind Road q.1.

The day two younger ladies relaunching day for continuing once ceased own car locomotion on the run from mafios intriguing own attack to liquidate two witnesses for their illegally mean act to each witness, each easy duck or so. 

Two younger ladies modestly had their own honest greeting as farewel to the Chairman Sir. Thomason and mutually shook hand and expressions mutually smiley positive expression and separated from the hall entrance afterward they each arrived there from chairman residence. 

Natie headed for her Land Rover parked at Chariman residential estate hut, thus there some suspicious guy was roaming about around Natie heading for direction, thus impulsively with some skeptical expression, she asked the guy whose age was probably a little bit younger than Natie, though, the one replied saying, "Your own Land Rover was very fascinating appearance attached, though I wanted to observe it so precisely, madam." But to his some hesitantly spoken tone and remorseful expression, Natie had some own skeptical impression around him, though she asked him so straightly, "You otherwise tried to make some devise with our own car beforehand we tried to start driving, you know." The one could have schemed to trick some bombing devise at their using Land Rover, and that scene was accidentally witnessed by the Chairman Sir. Thomason, though also he tried to ask him what he was doing for the car, contacting to three ones in conversation.
To it, the one for the first time, tried to evade the scenery embarrassed situation at least to him, but in abandonning it, and said to three ones who are Natie, Billa and the Chariman Sir. Thomason who came to the cat two younger ladies used to the location and again relaunching posture that time for continuously on the run. "At the matter of fact, I after so desperately sought after any employing company after I will graduate from now my school as vocational training field, I got it, and the company was asking me to inform if I was discovering two younger ladies in your own site, and if I was doing so, the company will serve me two times of my salary until I quit the company with any reason." His confession made two younger ladies interpret that his oral examination receiving company was to some deeply relevant with two younger ladies lives aiming own mafioso syndicate so probably, but that thing was abstinated to make utterance at least at the site, and to it, staying Sir. Thomason beside two younger ladies inserted his saying to three ones, "Mr. Johnson, you were cheered by the company CEO, the one must have knowledge around your family in these days serious poverty, and they took advantage of it for using you as unnecessary role, conspiratorially involving you daringly, you know. I will accompany your declining to the previously promised joining in the company at the company window, you might or should decline the company joining as soon as possible." To it, the younger and seen so earnest younger man was suddenly expressing so serious expression to three ones with Natie, Billa and Sir. Thomason. 

But, after all, after several minutes seriously deliberating, he promptly said to three ones beside him, "I understand, I believe your all trying to say to me, now, but please explain any process which had been reached to now this moment so precisely." He with earnest expression, asked them three ones beside him. 

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However, in fact, to the younger seen very earnest man, necessarily, after he confessed all to the three ones, the most dangerous risks and desperate crisis to his life will overshadow, though after all, at these very harshly critical situation, only one method was left to all ones. It was just altogether will cooperated with each other only for evading any unnecessary syndicate persistent chasing and aiming all four ones with not only two younger ladies on the run but also Sir Thomason Moondog organization Chairman, and the confessing younger male one, simultaneously. After all, there all four ones were obliged to swear to each other for confronting the same hardships as overcoming any unnecessarily assaulting destiny by underground disorderly blackened power threat to liquidate four ones own lives. But as the Chairman, Sir Thomason has the mind never involving any previous his operating Organization belonging member's life unnecessarily, he made up his mind and the content was, confessing only to his wife whole truth, and to any other Organization member, he will convince his own Organization Chariman status handed over to next one according to his own aged bodily unconditioned state at lying and after he will hand over next Chairman, at least until the moment two younger ladies will arrive at Chicago where Natie conjectures many helpful musicians and any other entertainment circle ones in for the present meeting to each other, he made up his mind for accompanying three ones as Natie, Billa and younger earnest male one, Mr. Johny Cradle. 
They all four ones in knowing any circumstance so implicitly showed tacit understanding expression at very emergently obliged acquiescence to each other. And four ones own helpfully collaborating operation was opening and launched to the continuous hard running on the run. 

 (Irregularly continued)

Jan. 24th.   2023