Blog for Nameless-Value

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Practical and Metaphysical a.

Practical thing is definitely known. But metaphysical thing is not that physical like practicality, though basically, very unidentified element must attend it so necessarily. 

Nevertheless, as long as we are alive surviving any harsh reality, we all are also metaphysically sensing not only materialistically physically sensing but also so mentally sensing and necessarily with some necessary notion, we are also spending very not materially, so as to say, mentally, spiritually, and psychologically surviving everything. 
But if we truly need us so mindfully surviving everything, that must need us have some so steady spiritual sturdy and neatly reasonable ideas and mindful element, at least we need them in terms of dealing with everything.

In one so necessarily demanded side, practicality exists, though on the contrary, at another side, metaphysical demanding minded fortress could be there. 
In almost hell tasty economy circulation whirlpool, some very genius one must output very sad rapsody in writing papers and tunes or so. 

Mother Mary whispers to Jesus, how are you feeling in front of any spooky whirlpool junction? But your mission is not only expressing lament, but making some signified words given to some ones, you know.

Only efficiency pursuing stance extreme competitive reality on the other hand outputs some metaphysical questioning, but mutually they will never cooperate with each other, that stance and course won't be exchanged, and also that implicit regulation is one of own consensus.

Efficiency is anytime moratorium, because any better result must output any kind of dissatisfaction to and fro. Thus some acceptable table only for any kind of dissatisfaction makes us each claiming own justice. And necessarily those outputted own correctness is also the propaganda, and some revision of extremely pursued own practicality as meditative  metaphysical value.

Anybody impulsively tries to jump at the gun in doing anything, but the first one to try to do so is easily criticized by any other one, and after all, the criticizer will gain ground. Thus Jesus Christ was very exceptional sacrificed one.

Irony and skepticism make own harmony, those well matching combination makes us some shelter no matter what happened around our own reality. But the effect is not always, but very only exceptional timing.

Anytime, only time announcement was never criticized by anything and only counts and bells to all us in some decisive mind.

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 26th.     2024