Blog for Nameless-Value

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Each Concept and Notion is mutually Never Cut Perfectly a.

E.g. to us, mind and idea, mind and notion, meaning, significance, concept each are never easily cut nor segregated and discriminated perfectly, to some mutual relevant factor extent, each is to each other never so perectly duscerned nor perfectly segeregated to each other, though very mini dimensionally, but mutually attached in never perectly each diffrentiated identity.

Certainly that claiming theory was already mentioned in e.g. one of eminently superior Phenemenologist Maurice Melereau-Ponty was earnestly claiming in "Phenemonogie de Perection". 

After all, words, notion, concept and meaning are never perfectly segregated with Our Mind by itself. That mutually attached or very subtly combination in never mutually differentiated substantial significance, we all people existence and social presence are composed as survival possible creature so individually and publicly in nature world. L
After all, mutually perectly never definitely another identity nor subject must have the similarity of materials's particle nature and own designated feature.

Nevertheless, mainly each element ally signified item must have own strong nature only it is definitely equipped at each item, though everything is only vague and ambiguous, the mentioning is neither appropriate.

In other words, any concept or notion identical with words or terms or so, after all, any unit as own signified sign must be networked with one totally regarded and unified own unit abiding order, thus after all, each element is genuinely purely independent as the state is never realistic nor realizable very just only notional cognition, thus in the end, we use only averaged or kind of neutrally mainly regarded signified semioogic sign so really and pragmatically. 

Those are at some meaning obviously and clearly show that our own world are some mutually everything in joint and some mutually reliable leaning is definitely made in nature systematic world, we can say so definitely. 

(Irregularly continued)

Feb.  23rd.    2024