Blog for Nameless-Value

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Interlocked Reality and Individual with Person issue a.

Emerson, Dewey, Pierce or so at founding spirit accompanying US and these days one is mutually perfectly diffrentiated structural nation and country, that means rather these days economics order is systematized with globally simultaneous interlocked reality, thus these days US has no pioneer spirit. The definite gap in history is one of the most difficult factor to oppress any unnecessary globally confusing own riot tasty disorderly situation and basically unnecessarily regarded condition on the earth. 

To us, each own person consciousness, as first person as I and second person. You with the third person as he, she, they and first person extended we, all person's set means as they are just the absolute fact in which we are obliged with systematized mutually witnessing abiding own interlocked reality as the survival skill obtaining in both personal dimension and unit and group solidarity abiding dimension as well. 

In the end, to outside supposed diagram view, to us, totally called "we" as the first person already had been third person. In other words, notionally and pragmatically, already we are networked with you are also I, I am also you, as mutually easily replaceable interlocked reality abiding spiritual sturucture and own common interlocked consciousness, both dimensional awareness dominate us as the robot for conterbuting own interlocked reality and own language interpretable objective own abiding structural spiritual survival creature, we are definitely regarded so.

What moves our own mind must be caused from totally observable own sensed feeling around our own body belonging some irresistible interlocked reality incorporated own subjective awareness means rather that we are all for the first premise I but simultaneously you to any other one but I, and anybody could be simultaneously we as one of us and through the fact and reality, we can call us as "me" as personally conscious mind basis and to anybody, that "me" and "we" are accompanied as premise, and knowing so, but simultaneously unexpectedly we are prone to forget that consciousness and awareness, thus we are so easily forgettable and forgetting proneness creature on the earth, not that instinctive, but not that only noble nature abiding creature as only very egoistically movable own arbitrary creature as moving identity. As meant not only physical, but mentally, spiritually so, that arbitrary means merely easily replaceable between we and I, you and me, we and they, those easily replaceable human network nature by itself must be one of the typical arbitrariness, you know. 

Anyway, person issue is easily interpreted and replaced with the PROPOSITON of own Interlocked reality abiding reality cognition in our own mind. Our own PROPOITION means merely EASILY REPLACED PERSON issue taken advantage of our OWN SURVIVAL STRTEGY, and in general it is almost AUTONOMOUS. 

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 23rd.    2024