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These days My Own Curiosity around Big Presence to Our Own Ages a.

From the beginning, our surviving ages were definitely made at direction for heading for, at least at some irreplaceable stance. In other words, it is absolutely incorrect truth that any direction gradually will be fixed, rather from the beginning, almost schemed bone and basic structure had been regulated and completed, and we only contribute anything around adapting our own ability only for embodying schemed bone. 

We are never constantly gradually heading for unidentified direction nor destination, but almost very clarified own destination, we only step to the location so earnestly.
If we have some immovable point at progressing speed and any developable unpioneered territory which could be somewhat discovered with some steady reason, the thing can never be easily pictured now, because very many things could have been outputted already so clearly, thus more than those very prominently jumpable progress for the time being could never be easily found, that own mood is so far pictured to us. Of course, with some very unexpected matter, all those pictured apperance will be all replaced with it, the possibility is necessarily not that wrong. 

Nevertheless, very drastically replaced future is hardly pictured in our own mind. Erasing everything around now what we can confirm will be probably impossible unless bigger planet will approach disorderly and crash our own this earth, but either that thing could never easily pictured already to us. Thus necessarily, to us left dreamy pictured territory won't be left even tiny bit degree nor extent. 

Though if we can picture another very possible appearance, what we will be aware or awoken to what our future could make all our known history one more repeating in formed order we can imagine, or artificially, we will reduce any progress so intentionally for tasting more ancient people tasty life form obtaining intentionally. That boom raised possibility is certainly not zero percentage.

At least to us all, already this age as these days as two decades, already only stability or kind of fixed value are not that hopefully wished by our own potential mind. Change is not that easily pictured, but dynamically converted future is hardly pictured in our own mind, but probably very a bit by a bit, some territory will head for the revolutionary discovery welcoming future. For example, statistics cognitive knowledge will be gradually very dynamically modified into another direction, we can somewhat imagine so far. Because this genre is not that having long history so far. 

Ambivalent reality has been so long ages serially continued already we can admit that continuos ages characteristics, but ambivalent way to be to our own sensibility will be gradually changed in our ordinarily common mind state. As very micro territory sensed own sensibility could be extended moreover from ordinarily pictured extent.

Though necessarily, if we suppose our own age so daringly, that supoositive big presence is never the dynamic change from what we can know now into very diffrently upturned appearance given thing. Thus, somehow, very revolutionally spiritually convertible consciousness holding stance change or so can be probably not that impossibly pictured extent pictured own possibility or duppositiveky probable minimal extent thing to us.

For the time being, why don't we have the conclusion now so consciously. 

That is if we picture big presence, even if it'd be bigger, not that dynamically switched reality is hardly pictured or seldom thought in our own mind, thus, rather very subtle and very small but gradually very unexpected switched reality is easily confirmable appearance could be for the present pictured. 

E.g. newly our consciousness convertible wonderful music composition, and playing stayle or so would come up with in our own reality. And arithmetic own rational idea's own switch can never be impossible. Statistics theory's dynamic change and obliged direction conversion could not be impossibly supposed. 
At cultural content landscape, at any country, foreign language learning boom will be made, that possibility is not that zero regarded extent thing to us, you know.

As the long days after world war second, sport genre pioneering devise evolution will go on so stably moreover the possibility to be popioneered with more progressively evolved degree. And cooking more deliciously satisfactory evolution will be possible at so higher percentage. And also at not that highly educated class ones, Mathemetics inquiry boom will be made unexpectedly at higher percentage. And interracial and nationality over beyond ethnicity, race, and social class neglecting marriage will be gradually increase, the phenomenal shifting can be easily pictured for the present.

However, to that thing, nobody will be astonished so much already, that very easily, and probably more dynamically tragic nor dynamically everything can be solved, that typed future picturing can never be done at least on my mind, but necessarily, even those could not be stably irreplaceable, that thing only can be not that inappropriately supposed so at not that lower probability, we can for the time being say and mention so to some extent poroperly. 

(Irregulaly continued)

Feb.  26th.     2024