Blog for Nameless-Value

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Human Individual is Basically Unidentified a.

To me, or probably anybody, human nature is very unidentified, thus to anybody, we should not have maximal confidence, that object must include any closer family member.

To any familiar, closer one, some unidentified part must be left and the thing is never perfectly diffused, and that typed idea should be taken into account so until we personally die. On the contrary, what we have an idea that specifically somebody's mind is completely known to us must be so dangerous. 

In other words, human presence by itself is very fragile imperfect, that is the absolutely natural fact to us. 

E.g. to all us as a guy, woman thing specifically around loving emotionally attached case, to any woman, the one is so nasty and so unidentified one for interpreting the one's own idea and mind. Thus, we should not have the maximal confidence to anybody, that is the absolute rule, we could regard so.

Even if we are personally suffering from some unnecessary contact from anybody, additionally if that was some so dangerous thing to us, personally, we should take the best transaction, unless it is so critically generous, we should not take the bagaining chip so easily. 

One thing is only very integral, that is only time passes so mercilessly to far away and once passed time must never be coming back to us. In this absolutely equivalent truth, we all survive.

(Irregulaly continued)

Feb. 29th.   2024