Blog for Nameless-Value

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Passion and Reason a.

Passion drags our mind pull out some emotionally dynamic touched feeling, on the other hand, reason tries to save any unnecessary emission of kind of sentimentally conveyed own narcissism. 

Passion transporting own emotion is occasionally eases and soothes our own painful mind and emotion, but simultaneously at another time, very harsh anger could be done by it either. Reason anytime tries to check all our emotions and mentalities so carefully.

Nevertheless, both two things can have some mutual treaty or so. Because passion needs to be identified for executing in any occasion, the thing is just reason.

Two very mutually symmetry and contrary pair must make us some own balancing consciousness necessity.

Poisonous nature of us must have been reasoned that we all are easily cheated at not vigilant occasion, but simultaneously to us, to it, desperately try to evade that loss, thus reasonable not that loss gained life obtaining necessary makes us own reason as not that warmer, but very sly measure around survival to us.

Thus passion consequently is demanded also at an effort never to be cheered by any other one, but rather so well running in no hindrance given to us, thus occasionally attacking meanness attended own passion and our calculating reason are mutually conspiratory. 

Though, necessarily, passion and reason are both used at not only very pure hearted justice abiding case but also very sly and vigilantly warning necessary occasion.

Thus, in one option, we all have both very honest usage and not that rather very mean and sly one can be made in our own life. 

(Irregulaly continued)

Feb. 29th.    2024