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Logic, Ideology, Ideal, Transcendence/Introduction; Around Issue for Realizing Truly Meant Peace and Safety of the World, Answer to Ms. Greta Ernman Thunberg and Pope Francisco 1

Two days ago, so shocking news ran whole over the world, Freedom Respecting Nation’s military murdered the Carpet manufacturing traditional cultural trading in transit nation’s Chief of their own military organization.
But probably that trial would never urge even attacked country to practice all-out war, coz they know the hard gap between them and their enemy Freedom Respecting Nation’s military power.

By the way, I am a citizen who was raised and survive in contemporary society at ex-war defeated country to Freedom Respecting Nation, thus last year’s Pope Francisco’s visit to nuclear bombed areas when he visited to our country was impressing me to have some especial idea around peace and war, then this time let’s think of emergency at launching nuclear weapon in crisis as thinking experiment.
After developing this serious theme, next the earth environmental issue around Greta Thunberg as Swedish activist’s claiming global warming's issue.

Of course, this issue is top secret for any nuclear weapon holding countries hence all of this article with thinking experiment is just only supposition.
However, we can see that our world’s aspect could be known to us at least so reasonably explainable in analyzing so logically plausible in explicating and treading along the naturally thought process.

E. g. I live in the area adjourns self-defense force the largest area holding air-force base and this base is connected with the largest Freedom Respecting Nation’s air force base stations in my country with so precise wireless correspondence information gathering objected and supply object.

These bases’ fence must adjourn the flat road for driving and walking and running without any building or warehouse e.g. hangar or so. Of course, necessarily bushes or so are never be present around fences of this estate, that reason is so easy to be seen to us as amateur. Because if we imagine the professional ones who are engaged in work of base, any concern ones have a mission to keep their military strategical knowledge secret, for doing it, their base must be secured to block any offending ones from intruding into the base estate for blocking all disorder, for all offenders, some facilities’ buildings or bushes must work as convenient hiding space for them.

With these examples, we can step forward to more important thinking experiment, it is the launching ordered action for nuclear weapon to the other countries for the nations to have nuclear weapon attacking capability.
Finally, the last decision to launch it to the other nations’ areas with base or governmental areas could be left to head of state with President and prime minister. But probably nuclear weapon launching option must output so many death tolls at attacking outcome, thus so progressed scientific civilization country must have so carefully thought system to order final decision to launch the bombs, with many steps usually taken into consideration not to leak information to the outside strictly, moreover the decision must be so seriously and crucially grave, only never so easily practiced capable step to last launching must be present.

But at least one professional person must exist who knows every steps to do so, necessarily he (or presumably she) would be known to these actions provoking influences all so precisely, and probably the head of the state must never be known all these process, because even the head of the state might have judgement  mistake hastening in no deeper consideration, insanely in ordering launching to the other countries. In other words every step content of the must at emergency must be known to one professional person who has previously concerned to found the system of all nuclear weapon preserving order when the nation was founded and that ordering system must be regulated with minute rule of course according to constitution unless the nation has no constitution or regulated rule as modernized political order or so (of course, never law regulated countries exist so much).

With these inferences, the one who can stop or block insane leader of the nation from outrageous desicion must be so reasonable to control his (or presumably her) mind never making it so fanatically frenzied in hastened emotion.

By the way, at least one person who can control all systems around launching nuclear weapons must exist, I said, but he must have arbitration with both cases, of course one is launching method, and another is releasing method to it.
And for enemy countries, releasing method is either so interesting and grave intelligence, coz if that method was available to enemy sided military concern ones, these clues must start to intrude the releasing system with hacking or so, and after completion to release all, that sided military can be ordered go-ahead signal.

But as more so crucially important item in terms of this debate, the only one who can be known to everything even can suppress the head of state’s insane decision must be ordered or if the order was never done to him, must be spontaneously reasonable in keeping sane judgement to all cases, because the one must either influence the head of the state at emergency, then necessarily he can easily order the launching weapons in no ordered situation from the head of the state, he must know that his arbitrary decision must result so grave tragedy either, then with rule or so, all steps are left to him in terms of chain of command but simultaneously the final order to launch the bombs are left to another one as professional member but only with pressing the button to launch them and other intelligence nor information must never be informed, in other words, even the sole one who knows everything around the real strategical practicing around nuclear weapons’ launching must be hidden to that sole professional either, in other words, all information and knowledge must never be converged at one position, if that situation was met, all systems are destructed, that thing must be so plausible reality and necessity in world.
According to civilized level’s degree, that suppressing care must be progressed so much, because so scientifically progressed country’s professional ones must know that kind of strategy’s influence to the attacked countries, thus even if the rule or regulation may have never been written as official report, only done in top secret notes or so, spontaneously the one must leave the one whom was trusted by him to hide all of final procedure to launch weapons.

Of course, all of those are just my inference and supposition, but presumably why its inference was so plausible, we can offer the evidence to justify my supposition, it is the historical fact that since the two nuclear weapons were launched to linear archipelago countries at world war, even one bomb was never fallen to any country. Hence, if my inference was never be false, that historical factual truth must be so contradictory.

Let’s summarize.
If the regulated rule was set, these all members who are employed by governmental defense ministry concern organization must be obedient in keeping it with probably in system which any procedure executing member could be told only the positioned mission to push button, if we suppose it is password, they all are told only their own it, other members’ it as different from another steps’ procedure only each deployed member can know only with one procedure missioned to the one, but only one person can know all process to deal with all ordered mission, but he must be controlled by his arbitrary or that procedure executing organization’s traditional unwritten law for plural ones particularly concerned to these emergent disposal mission. Namely he can be known only all systematic mechanism and ordering duty to final button to launch the nuclear weapon, but each password’s identity is never told to him.

But he can stop insane order by head of the state arbitrarily finally when his country is facing emergent situation in terms of military option.
If all top secret procedure’s precise method was told to the chief commander of nuclear weapon launching mission, the one must never be able to endure all so nervously tough mission, because as he’d like to, he even could execute all launching decision either by himself, and with his arbitrary acts, he could destruct any other country’s area.
Hence, substantially any professional is never be able to execute all destructive launching steps by that oneself alone. That truth is caused from mentality keeping finiteness or capable limit to execute everything alone.
This is really practiced by executioners when death row prisoners are executed, almost the same example is seen in linear archipelago country either.
That time’s examples are all so utmost decision, hence all these processes must never be recorded at least at official paper as we can read so easily as if we can do so in archives around researching to past regulations restricted only to records never executed currently just only in past.
(to be continued)

(Jan. 6th. 2020) 

Note; Presumably some mutual watching habitual regulation might have been present in any defensive commanding section on military order probably the government itself has that sort of it for keeping stability in terms of peaceful order for all concerned ones who are connected with national official mission both for country, national citizens and themselves.
Anyway some sort of devise must exist at any country as long as rule of law in nation is kept at the all systems.