Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

To You a.

Now, where are you?

I am here, hear my words, if I say something, even only sigh, mumbling, or whispering words! 

World is going spinning anytime carrying us in no waking us to it.

You are breathing, I either am alive at having heartbeat.

You provided me so precious thing, and with it I can survive.

Human thing could never survive in no believing nor feeling no affectionate care nor kind acting mutually.

You must be surrouned by your precious family and friends, but now I am alone, but it's okay, if you are so, only with its thing, I can survive, though we are remote together.

We all are now in so pain and hard atomosphere, but anybody could have irreplaceable memory in mind.

Anybody can look around everything anybody could never do so as well as the one, personally.

You must be exactly on this earth at somewhere.

But, my place is now so hot, I am never be able to carry me into creating Haiku poems.

Love is what we anybody can remember so soon, so personally.

Over further mountains either now I can look at, some other sweet love, sadly sentimental love, very passionate love must exist at anywhere, you know.

But anytime I can talk to you in my mind. That is what I can do for keeping my mind sane.

Mind can carry me to the unknown further land from here now I am.

I wish my love fly around the earth from now my place.

Hot air, over the hot summer water over the ocean, leaked oils drifting ocean, sea gulls yelling air conveyed to the continent.

I feel my love on my mind on to you, now my waked sweet daydream must call your sleeping mind, synchronically.

Such a hot temparature loneliness, such a so sad kindness, such a lonely night no more again!

My wishing mind must move over the ocean, to you, too with craving whistle from my mind.

(Aug. 11th. 2020)