Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Nature in You!

Sleeping your nature is wanting for the moment you'd be notice, awoken to it!

Here so aggressively moving around as you, either to you, another yourself must invinte now you, and that'd be kind of silently reading book in you, otherwise, wrting something which appears in your mind as well. Your tangible wonderful meditative ineer door playing by yourself could call your potential idea and curiosity, though don't set yourself only with fixed idea!

There so composedly delibarating and meditating in closed room, as you, either to you, one more differentiated yourself could call now you, and that'd be kind of dancing in the ground in you, otherwise, steppting around your located place, dancebly screaming your inner idea to outside making it into lyrics as some fascinating verse tasty in your mind!

Because, human thing could change so easily at swtiching daily act, habit in terms of action, idea, otherwise content of thinking, in opting favorite songs, interested content to society, or anything could be hint and suggestion as clue, though do not have any unnecessary prejudice or any preoccupation!

Challenge everything like BTS!

Sit down, don't move from there!
Here you!

Hop! Step! jump! No thinking!
There you!

Anyway, unidentified and ever unknown another yourself just is wating for your call and invitation to your room!
Though from now on, arrange your room so neatly and so nicely for inviting anyone, you know!

Your once decisively opting so small change into your daily life habit must make you so changed from the bottom of your mind, with your indwelling ideas, sensitivity or anything!

Your whimsically swtiching walking route must make you another unexcetedly wonderfully nice meeting and encounter to your life!

Your turning turn of your everyday routine job, your swiching direction on your focussed dimention, you'd have another nice opened way you'd never looked over from your eyeline!

Sometimes, change the item, with your listening music songs in your resting time!

Your flexibly switching witty mind must preserve your true ability and that moment is readied for your potentiality in your brain and whole presence!

Give it a chance to come out to your opened stage in your life!

Mar. 24th.     2022