Blog for Nameless-Value

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View around Contemporary Human's Spirit Heading for Our Future Part1

Consequently these days' extremely convenient tool usage of smartphone, and its current mobilizing password usage in daily life actually drives all of contemporary citizens' mentality in which rather very conventional idea reviving favor pulled out from potentially retrogression demanding, caused from the reality very conveniently using any kind of terminal, and mail order habitual life has been fixed, we rather could be driven to conservatively nationalistic, and not making an effort to building international relationship and we are apt to be satisfied with domesticity, then really very high speedy advancing of any devise, infra-structural progessing reality rather makes any country in world having autcracy, and simultanesously ochlocracy, as mob politics demand by popularities at usage of SNS at transmitting through smartphone pesronally, because SNS sites could make ochlocracy phenomena so easily, any user is gradually becoming lack of making effort to doing anything.

In other words, as really as Freedom Respecting country's politically ideological divisive social current, any other country is apt to accompany them with only domestic selfish profit acquirement, then moreover, all human society as global community would have had been shifted from globality to domesticity, consequently, very tough nationalistic peace keeping moral has been built at Freedom Respecting country and Planned Economy country, eventually any other country necesarily is drawn to similar politically, ideologically social current simultaneously together with any adjourning contry or any remote country, very autonomously, we subconsciously are entangled with that kind of autonomous whirlpool. 

That whirlpool is perfectly silent at manifesting anything, any social trend is just operated by global internet transmitting community holding implicit rule making any user meekly obey all upgrading advancing of terminal and service, and anybody is just chased by own mission feeling to follow suit to any progress and developping of global community itself, and there must never be presence of people, there is only worldwide globally netted community as anonomous identity as unidentified justice. 

In other words, we all are already gulped by gigantic globality with many censorship of any top secret site, then nowadays very many demand and supply at labor force is managed with security checking and guarding not to make anyone intrude stuff only zones in world.
Necessarily, now contemporary 21century era is at prohibition of any total war as introspective consciousness toward two atomic bombs at Thin Archipelago country, but simultanesously, only policing task forces' power has been expanded at necessity of siciety. Because any individual person's enforcing power has gigantic at real society at possibly capable of hucking, intruding with drone use, then accordance with nationalism, any kind of very conventional and conservative cult small group's provokation to terrorism or so, consequently either from now on, in exchange for ban of total and nuclear war which must never be reproduced, but rather very small selfish regional conflict taking place probability must become bigger than ever. 

Ultimately contemporary society has been rebuilt in no awareness by all of us, very censoring with survailance camera, and ATM, or so as very compartment used remotely portioned, partitioned society, then any citizen is obliged to have consciousness to be moving capsule hotel customer, really we being accompanied with personal terminal, and social distance caused from new cirona virus pandemic blockage, in conclusion, anybody in this earth is given only so narrowed view to world, we are as if termites are autonomously making anthill, just mobilized remotely at each individual segregated society, that reality's discription as mentioning to our real life is appropriate in expressing to our civilization.

This time, all reality was regarded as negatively consequently realized state, at next chance to debate, let's think of either positive possibility developping domain.
(to be continued)

(Nov. 8th. 2020)

Note; At this age, the tough criticizer as activist around environment Greta Thornburg's appearance evidences that potentially any citizen has satisfaction to spend convenient life with very many social infra-structure, simultaneously a little worn and exhausted emotion wanting to free from AI managing statistic big data controling society, thereby her activity content attracts mass-media. Really either I have some adoring emotion to Medieval eras' inconvenient life style, but it must be self escape from our own reality as irresponsible fantasy, because if we personally want to get that life, we must earn money and intentionally make enough time to spend that creatively fantasic life.