Blog for Nameless-Value

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Foggy and Misty Drive

Our mind's switching is not presumed predictably, so much, with our own whim and reacting any kind of worldwide current at anything, that truth must be the most typical uncontrollable truth for us, you know and it is universally admittable it. Because we all are rowing each mind boart, so arbitrarily but so unidentified that truth could be seen to anybody so tacitly adt the bottom of our mind together, not mentioning to it to anybody.

That direction and destination around our whimsicvally holding age trend, and worldwide current are unidentified to anybody, as anybody is never able to take bird's eye view, and anytime we all are bound to narrowed view around us pesrsonally and only that issue annoys us every single day.

Green color eases own mind particularly with plants, but our communication is not like them. Winter coldness flats and evens all present disposed and located things, but only mind could tries to find healing thing, and discerns each nature, nevertheless misjudging frequently is inserted at everyday life, piling up these number, but there must have no affordance to have any introspective mind, then only stalemete lazy but undone state lasts so ceselessly, eventually that unidentified drive must never rest unless our body stops breathing and out and metabolism. 

Our pulse, heartbeat makes music, songs, poetries, any kind of sentences and animation images. Idea must be done in blank of breathing and heartbeat.

Heartbrake, sorrow, pity, mercy are made at each pauses' switching moment in our own life, for anybody.

Once gotten to them, all visually opened view must be swtiched and altered to be at another dimension in terms of realized perception and our mind coming terms with each our distinction in it for us personally.

Boat swings but view from our own conkpit in mind only tries to catch so shortened recess.

Look around all angles, but these all are on only levelled or horizontal view embodied as view aspect. Because we can never soar to the skies in the air by ourselves.

Voyage, flight, either must be extention of flat locomotion at our nervous perception and conscious switching so physiolosically, because we are never insects, birds, and clouds. 
And even buoyancy must be unable to go against gravity.

Flat view must have hem, border with lands and skies to anybody at the location to view all around landscape, according to height, it seems to be viewed so globaly. but as long as lower moutain top hills offers us only levelled flat all around, then even insects and birds having all angles' view must be confined to the levelled order, probab;y very physiolosically, they only can escape from hunters by their own judging so at once.

Meaning of foggy and misty driving must have widenend range so enormously. 
All beings must be bound with own drive, and each of them is just distinctively so foggy and misty, necessarily each of them is distinctive to any species. The part each senses at being foggy and misty is each so un iquley, that gap must have had diversity of species' own capability at so instinctively level.

Then discoverable nature must never be crossed together, only that fact must be so universal, and world's panacea.
With it, any species are at symbiosis, of course at the ceaseless tough battle with natural selection.

Nevertheless, symbiosis and co-existence occasionally outrageously has not only tough battle at each different species mutually,  but also so overturned radical accidental swtiching of environment with meteorite impact and human population's expansion and excessively consumptive artificially outputted energy from nature resources. Even with our own regional conflicts or so, nevertheless we all are at the same root as species.

Hence, it could join together, but probably occasionally even hard battle must be outputted and at each occasion, its thing must be so irresistible to both sides, but simultaneously many casualties must be outputted at each case, then requiems and misa tunes, sutra readings are at each moment recited, intoned, and chanted by condoling minds of us together. 

Necessarily we are apt to think plants have no moaning nor lament. And no funerals, but these obvious absence rather shows us their own recentment. They must revenge us.
Presumably now our suffering this virus in fectious hell may have been the result of their it.

Revenge must have no need to beat fog or mist. Only anger, hatered, enmity as each vital drive must be all so plain, beyond all reason and logics to any species are at no wandering and straightforward. 

Nevertheless, compromise, arbitration, concession, intermediation must have foggy and misty domain, these so indirect nature must create us many stagnant emotions and minds at creating the way for new phased dimension as blockage so conventionally and consciously.

Drives' object is at any driver so unidentified, but if we all can know all these mechanism and reason, how can we drive our own society and own life?

Probably it must never be known even by God, because God, Himself must have had original intial setting by Himself. Only He knows His especial passwords of each setting.
Nevertheless, presumably or unexpectedly so plainly even He could never nhave any idea around all's erives at each going and ending or lasting as particvles or so at reality.

Just we all are at only beginning process as our own initial setting again, but it must be un identified to us, you know!
In other words, that all factual truth must have had been His the most mischeivous and the most sneaky and meanest practical joke, or so, we all know so subconsiously, but that trick to make all being drive must be our all reality, rather nothing but it must be discoverable and explicable to us.

Nobody could never free from that drive in front of all drivers' promotor as God and His the best adovocate, time.

Dec. 10, 11th, 2020