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Trilism's Suggestion Part17

First, from Trilism's Suggestion / Another Question Ⅴ Third Integral Summary, its claimed summary would be applied to more precisely analyzed with some another interpretation, here.
〇Public time → Materialistic, with which we assimilate us, 〇Personal time→ E.g, at work, it tangibly felt and 〇Personal time recognizable to us personally toward Public time as gap between former and and latter were shown at Another Question Ⅴ, these interpretation could be paraphrazed with next definition.

①Mental time (at Another Question, it belongs to Personal time). but, this means more being in a hurry and so mind is confused, then necessarily it means mentally sensitive extreme gap between really running clock's time and our mentally hurrying mindful time as grasping to
materialisitic real time in having another mentality and idea around that length's sensitivity, then it could be called as Really running time in grasp. Then it must be our one Setback to transcending. 

②Brain thinking time. Upper time must have given us a introspection around working condition we daily have, then wth that idea, we usually try to reset our midset, so immediately after getting introspective objective view to time and our working condition in gap, then this means our adjustment, adjusting act, as our conscious effort to assimilate our mind time with really running clock time, then retrial to transcending our mentally mind confusion.
Then it must be Completion to transcending all gaps and setback in mind.

③Introspective time. At correspondence with ① and ②, then after our working, we can have room to reorganize strategy for next missioned job. That must be done reffering our past all acting sequence in time cognition. Then, if we succeed our own stratetical modifying, or modulating the upper process specifically with ①and②. 
Generally just in mind we can do it at time for going home and either continuously at home, with consideration and deep logical thinking.
Then, necessarily it needs so objective view to all around our acting from very earlier term's our idea and prospect to upcoming future at working mission to all acting in working of scheduled process, ih having so hurry emotion.

Hence, upper ③step or phase our mind modus ponens must be so that toward previously outputted result or conclusion at work evaluation, we necessary add some so strong strategical approach to next missioned job, at the matter of fact, we knead up our missioned job's scheme, then it necessarily make itself so logically though to explain anybody who asks to our job content and fundamental course, necessarily it must be done at ③s phase or process's step. 

By the way, usually at duality as dualism adopted method, we could not use any introspecting element to be a particle to compose totalized recognition. It just means Russll's Paradox's fundamental principle that we usually do not include set by itself. It must be equal to that we usually at thiking circuit make any our acting by itself as subjectivity participate in element as component of all doing, then it necessarily makes us just only objective view. And necessarily it must be the claim of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle showing the observer's point of view in scientific experiments must be absent from experimental site, then it necessarily makes error, then his that great theory must be the message to us with philosophic skepticism applying to scientists' attirude, then his theory necessarily gets to be so ironically sarcastic commandment to overconfidence by scientists in experiment. In terms of this interpretation to his feats, Uncertainty principle functions so necessarily the introspective application to scientific moral or ethical normativity or professional criterion. 

In other words, at duality or dualism, we can use only objective view as observed truth, but it must include error, then to make us understood to it, we must need so introspective view to ourselves as observer or researcher, that means Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle, and necessarily it could be crosse at intetion of Russell's Paradox as suggestion to our (as mathematician) set theory reviewers postion, and in the past cognition, just mathmaticians were just engaiged in only objective view around mathematical truth, but afterward, Zermelo and Russell suggested that contradicroty view and these things were re-defined by them.

Then, we need to make only dualism turn to be elevated to triplism for elucidating to unidentified reseaching and exploring as inquiry.

In other words, at dualism, we just have had an idea that all our own thing could be just internal matter, and we had only introspection at external observating act as formally done observation, but to it, they all add the another conscousness as ourselves. Then, if it could be re-defined with philosophical view, it could be meta nature's emnodiment. Because our mind could have had been seen only metaphigical item or proposition. But with Zermelo, Russell, and Heisenberg, we must have accomplished to acquire another dimensioned entity as what to be or should be embodied to ordinally classical embodied element with all materials and these measurable nature elements as us with subjectivity.

In other words, around Heisenbeg, he just did experimentists' view, and around Zermelo and Russell, they did recognizers' view as mathematicians are all just caluculaters but in terms of their intuitive idea outputting brain, that must mean either recognizers, then they either enhanced our mind nature's  status as with very discreet and modest meaning and either so cheering and encouragement to all researchers and observers with professional sites.
And necessarily it must have meant our human's so integral consciousness switching.
(to be continued)

Feb. 10th. 2021