Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

From Morning to Afternoon Daytime for Poetry

To Poets, even sulky emotion or hurry irritation must be necessary. 
Never yet, very unpopular masterpieces or so could means so much, either so bad temper, body condition in worse health degree as necessarily as any other vocation.

Tough days, personally and publicly at adversoty or very hurry at being followed by upcoming closing day could drive us to create so unique ideas, as the best motif for creating poetries.

Today's sky is bright because poets mind could be vivid, even if so stormy weather or so, but they even want so bad weather morning, regularly, so crookedly even at so sunny sunshine beaming warmer day suitable for going picnic or so, daring to look for so negative motif at very wonderful day condition, that must be poets' instinctive nature, you know! 

They need so calm and peaceful situation in world in terms of economical view and political stability at no war nor no miserable inccidents, but simultaneously occasionally even very darkness overshadowed days' coming at unstably world situation at spending days for them could be their excitingly actuated reality, that must be so rogue tasty nature, we could say.

anger, dissatisfaction, even misfortune or sufferings could drive them to create another unidentified dimensioned poetries ever they've never written.

Mind in vain or emptiness, around being alive could be the theme for creating masterpieces. But entirely very negative and sinister social reality and age's outstandingly regarded current all over the world could drive them to keep going on running.

More busy and chased by closing day, that approaching deadline could promote another theme at which they first find at their life in mind for creating somewhat they'd first meet at creating with palpitation to do it.

But once going out from home, feeling unexpectedly yet gotten warmer stinging cooler air in symmetrical two different tangible fusion stimulates their brain and mind, as if masochist could be pleased with unidentified erotic pleasured tasty sensed emotion, when they take a habitual route for them for a change between creating time a day. 

At walking time, no problem to be forgotten so good ideas, with so many stimulating visual empirical absorbing to their mind ever they had at their home at thinking time, rather as necessarily as very sleepy but simultaneously very insomniac in crossed state at nighttime, they just should write so ceaselessly something so at a stretch.

Nevertheless, adter completing some satisfied works, either making their brain so empty means so much. 

Rather well-doing in a day makes them inescapable anxiety, as truly as peacefully smooth running. rather stirs them up at having resistance to that keeping in reality.

Sarcastically welcoming stumbling block or sudden coming up of amnesia could never be so worse to me, even that feeling overwraps nowadays myself. Rather partially forgotten matter holding situation could be refreshened to my mind so at resetting chance, at that time, after giving uo my writing act, e.g. if I am going out and walking around the thin pass midst forests sudden seen very hugely vast flat field as parking with to and fro weeds seen to me, but very empty conditioned seen to me flatly to further grand, foot of lower moutain with bushes seen to here I am, these all aspects make me seen all opened, wide scoped skies of which aspect is floating thin straight line drawn clouds and any bird with flying print so visually could be confremable to that location to me, that spatial perception must be so important for creating some so useful words or so to me.

There must be the chance to get newly updated ideas to me only when  I really face enormously hige flat at a stretch after walking shadowed forests with bushes and low hight weeds or so. Eventually with these empirical my view, all so time cognitive empirical perception must be relevant with spatial it so closely together.

Missing nothing there, I just keep my step only fprward never looking back to my stepping footprint, feeling body tangibly alone, occasinally older guys as much as me crossing with each other, their minds could never be so intereprted so clearly so necessarily but perhaps never so mutually remote to each other, mine and theirs must never be so distanced, that emotion naturally(never necessarily) comes up to my brain and mind, these ones could be smilar to me, felt so mutually.

Gradually, getting so amused at whimsical walking setting no identified destination reminds me of emotion missing ever slump terms my ideas regarding them as so precious, comparatively, these days could never be so worse at body and mental condition, these days, that rather relatively not worse my these days conditon is gettninf to be felt so similar to so brightened skiies aspect all so clearly seen widened aspect could be seen laughing at me so cynically watcing me at a stretch, their riduculing behavior to me makes me just only so optimistic at viewing newxt phase on my mind even at these days' adversity for world citizens at corona virus pandmic in perilously serial days.

Skies must know all sequence from so older unimaginably eras to us now for this planet to so further future with our so omenous destiny, but they pretend to have no ideas about these serially process watching. 

Poetry seeds to and fro, accidentally and never intentionally felt nobody could notice to, but it either agitates poets so hold obligatory hurry emotion in mind.

Otherwise, very significant and epochmaking masterpieces previously could be set at these all relevance to all poets, not only them but slso almost ones in this world.

Every single day, what morning is morning must make afternoon, subsequently, but once completed poetry could be done, but that conclusion must make another possibility at creating new words, at diffrent dimension. That infinite sequence must make all poets' lifespan so shortend, but it'd be neither no problem, because all poets could either want anytime in so incompleted half lingering attachment left, because that seeming so moratroium rather could mitigate their strictly fixed or solid mission feeling, and as soon as they find it on their mind, they switch their mind for resetting all minds in emotion and mentality together. Newly updated aspect again urges them to create another things, and next first step makes them palpitate to another step mode and cycle finding for outputting words for them. 

Very infinite empty sunbeam surrounding skies of you, sometimes you find at your days, please take us in you, not having any obvious sigh suggesting us to be heard, that unseen timing must make all of us a hpeful job which could have a joint to next days!

Feb.14th. 15th. 

Memorandum; Yesterday I visited after so long blanc ever frequently visiting area as vicinity of my residential building, that fresh impression and sequently to now today's so cloudily dark daytime in reminiscence and now perception could have crossed together, and to yesterday's written it I today re-wrote to it, it is this essay tasty poetry. This is so normally written, but to me, the best object and aim as my mission is moreover so rap tasty sprinting words duration, you either feel it.