Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Being Simple can Hardly be Met, but Part1

We anytime eat each now and consume many now, and someday die.

Only born thing could die, not born thing could never die.

All newly born things could be made so only with beings’ mutual relation or intersection, then only with water and light by the sun or so, any life could be born.

Probably not at beings’ mutual relevance, what perfectly only nothing could make being could be impossible.

These days told us that any precise planning could be just fragile, any schedule must be empty, that thing must be intersected with probably life’s bearing mechanism as certain uncertainty, eventually, the truth presumably could be relevant with what persistence is apt to block our view’s enlarging flexibility, in other words, confronting, facing everything without any persistence must be interacted with life’s birth as mutual being’s intersection.

Ultimately only being could disappear from being as with life or so, but material level, even life’s death could contribute nature’s cycle, it must never mean physically material’s disappearance.

Time must never return to past and it must never try anything again.

That absolutely one direction given to all being must manage this all universe and being’s all aspect. And we know any great power or one person’s prestige must be either expendable, and nobody could watch nor witness all sequel nor all process of time, and these so simple truths eventually prove precise planning’s fragility and our personal persistence’s ineffectiveness.

If we personally want to be happy truly so consistently, just we should be relaxed and calmed at judging all and never have any unnecessary persistence, eventually that mind care could be the most effective way to deal with everything for us to survive any crisis.

(to be continued)

May. 11th. 2021