Blog for Nameless-Value

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Lightly and Irretrievably

Surviving is stepping forward with our feet and nothing but leaving our own footprint, and it means abandonment to any other possibility at stepping, not looking back to it, and at the moment, loving thing is just forsaking any chance to be satisfied with only loving physically our true life meaning is fulfilled utterly.

Very resiliently mild, the state is doing anything in so, shielding and sealing any other inefficient and irrational possibility, no other thing is never so.

That is identified as also speculation of resilience as if bow has as it laughs at any height, intentionally irasing to any returning and sealing.

Stepping lightly with love, only one stroke, masscre to the partner's rejection and denial are replaced with accepting the one's demanding love at no having hesitance.

Though, adaptation and fixation to one daily reality is equivalent with erasing any hesitation in being dragged to return, though life means acceptance in positive mind and hard discipline to alive wondering, lesson to show the desperateness of life to ourselves, and its learning mechanism identifies itself with accetance of getting freedom meant as boundary and restraint otherwise devastation. Life identifies itself with nothing but admitting submission to devote to perfect substance and walking means interment of walked everything. These mean continuation of keeping abandonment of fixation as kind of sealing to any easy time running in life's love continuation which means engraving of one seriate line times makes, according to it, sacrificing any width for coming and going. And it means sealing out to any other fluctuation, though, necessarily a life completion signifies itself with smothering any other completion, and only it means time.

Time must expire at sometime and disappear, or not that otherwise to say, no other thing must be done.

The one who loves only time must deliver love's essence to lover absolutely and it must mean making absolute distance between lovers as creation. it means acquisition of the sole victor possibility to being defeated by time which relies on spatially absolute mamagement. After all, only distance makes lovers everlasting belief.

Because absolute love means overcoming to attachment and persistence, though it's dominant victory.

Surviving life means decisive burial to any other unnecessary thing for obtaining love.

Though, only ones without love must pile up falsehood covered by only inertia as pseudo intention.

Then, after all, sticking boldly in mutual demdnding has no enemy in taking only fulfillment in silence, vacant tension.

No regret means vertically resilience in lightness, nothing but intensity of bows jumpinp tense spring.

Though necessarily love means nothing but masscre of any equal idea love, only one love means the most violently genuine force.

Oct. 9th.  2022